Testicular examination

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The Hodentastuntersuchung or Hodenpalpation is a tactile examination of the external genitalia of the man.


When the patient is standing , first the testes and epididymis and then the spermatic cord are palpated separately (palpated). You can feel your finger up to the outer ring of the groin . As part of this examination, the patient is asked to cough or strain in order to examine the presence of an inguinal hernia .

Sense and purpose

The testicular examination is one of the most important urological examinations.

Its main purpose is to detect testicular cancer . In addition, varicoceles (formation of varicose veins), hydroceles (water breakage), spermatoceles (enlargement of seminal ducts on the epididymis), inflammation of the testicles ( orchitis ) and epididymis ( epididymitis ) and inguinal hernias can be recognized. In children it is also used to examine the complete descensus testis (presence of both testicles in the scrotum).

Self-examination from 15 years

Since the testicles are easily accessible due to their location outside the abdominal cavity, the palpation examination of the testicles can be carried out particularly easily. The expert associations German Cancer Aid and the German Cancer Society recommend that you do the self-examination once a month while bathing or showering from the age of 15. It should be performed by men up to 40 years of age. During the self-examination, the testicles should be “carefully palpated and, above all, paid attention to lumps and other changes”. In the event of changes in the testicles or symptoms, a urologist should be consulted.

4000 testicular cancers a year

In Germany 4,000 men develop testicular cancer every year - and the trend is rising. The number of patients has almost doubled over the past 30 years. Younger men between the ages of 20 and 40 are particularly affected. The testicular tumor is the most common form of cancer in them. Patients can almost always be cured, but only if the tumor is detected early. This makes self-examinations and warning signs all the more important.

Individual evidence

  1. German Cancer Aid , “Die Blauen Ratgeber” No. 16, October 2013
  2. ^ Robert Koch Institute Berlin, September 2013.