High Court of Justice (Board of Directors)

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Image of a member of the High Court of Justice with a gown

The Haute Cour de Justice ( German  High Court of Justice ) was in France at the time of the Directory ( Le Directoire ; October 26, 1795 - December 24, 1799) the highest court in France and served the handling of cases, over members of the two chambers and high state officials .

The constitution of the 5th Fructidor ( Fructidor was the twelfth month of the republican calendar of the French Revolution in France) regulated in its Articles 265 to 273, among other things, that the jury must consist of five judges who are drawn from among the judges in a lottery of the courts of cassation . As with the predecessor National High Court, a minimum distance from the state capital was set. This time a distance of 120 kilometers had to be guaranteed. In the only appeal to the court in its existence, the small town of Vendôme was chosen.

The only case dealt with was the conspiracy of the equals with their leader Gracchus Babeuf .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Directory from 1795 to 1799 kinderzeitmaschine.de. Accessed April 28, 2020
  2. Le Sénat transformé en Haute Cour: Historique de la Haute Cour depuis la Révolution Historie on senat.fr. Access on April 28, 2020 (fr)