Wood selection

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As wood selection is known in the woodworking , especially in Joiner the inspecting, selecting and taking out of solid wood materials ( boards ), wood materials and veneers , which for the production of a facility or piece of furniture is required, at the storage locations. The purpose of choosing wood is to select material and then be able to process it without any problems, which meets all the criteria for use. In this way, pieces of material are excluded which, for example, do not have the necessary dimensions or are extremely damaged. The selection also focuses on the desired wood type (s) .

The wood selection requires professional competence in order to make the right decision, which is why it is not a simple selection, but the first of many work steps in woodworking (apart from the written planning), which also includes the transport from the storage facilities of the materials . It is part of the exams for the carpentry and wood mechanic apprenticeships .


The wood and wood-based materials must meet the following criteria in order to make a decision when choosing wood:

  • desired type of wood or wood-based material
  • sufficient dimensions for further processing
  • matching color, fiber structure, no damage
  • Sufficient resilience in the surface treatment and in the later mechanics
  • no strong influence from the work of the wood (swell and shrink)
  • suitable hardness and mass
  • Load capacity (if necessary)
  • Resistance to fungal or insect attack (if necessary)
  • Odorless (if necessary)
  • sustainable management (if necessary)
  • reasonable price and waste surcharge (if necessary)


As a rule, large pieces that cannot be picked up by hand are transported with aids. For example, panels are often pulled out of the devices with panel lifters . These are then pulled with the panel lifters (usually alone or in pairs) or by hand in pairs.

Because of their unwieldiness and weight, planks are transported with a forklift . The forklift truck is not only a means of transport, but also prevents accidents that can occur due to the handy transport.

With numerous veneers for a project, it is extremely important that they are stacked between two panels (e.g. chipboard) that are much longer and wider than the veneers themselves, as veneers are very fragile. There is a high probability that damage can occur if several veneers are carried to the next workstation by hand. The plates guarantee safe and damage-free transport.

On large standing machines, such as B. CNC milling or panel saws , plate cranes are often integrated in order to be able to move large plates more easily onto the machine.


  • Bernd Wittchen, Elmar Josten, Thomas Reiche: Holzfachkunde: A teaching, learning and workbook for joiners / joiners and wood mechanics , Teubner 2006 limited preview

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