Honey Deihimi

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Honey Deihimi (born September 11, 1974 in Vienna ) was integration officer for the state of Lower Saxony from 2007 to 2011 - the first nationwide with a migration background. Deihimi is of Iranian descent and an Austrian citizen.

Deihimi has lived in Germany since 1993. She studied law and European law at the Universities of Hanover, Le Havre (France) and Durham (Great Britain). After her second state examination in law, she first worked as a lawyer in Brussels; from 2005 she worked in the European Parliament. Since August 2011 she has been head of the “Social Integration” section of the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration in the Federal Chancellery .

Deihimi received the European Council of International Schools Award in 1993 and an award from the University of Hanover in 1999.

Individual evidence

  1. Press release "Integration of foreign fellow citizens"

Web links