Hop stopper

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With hopped (also called Kalthopfung) under the brewing one hops referred that after the primary fermentation takes place.


The hop stopper is used because the fermenting wort and the alcohol that is formed extract the hops aromas in particular . When adding hops to the storage tank, hardly any bitter substances ( alpha acids ) are extracted from the hops, as these can hardly be extracted at storage temperature. The essential oils of the hops, on the other hand, are well integrated into the wort (in earlier phases of the brewing process the wort is boiled - essential oils evaporate in the process). Accordingly, aromatic hop varieties (not bitter varieties) are particularly used for the hop filling. The hops are put into a sack (similar to a tea bag ) made of food-safe material. The hop residues settle on the bottom of the vessel and are removed. Alternatively, hop pellets are added to the storage tank.

In the past, beers in Germany were often stuffed with hops to give them a longer shelf life. Nowadays this is especially the case with craft brewers, who add more aromas to their beers. The English beer style India Pale Ale is a typical representative of hoppy beers.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ludwig Narcissus : demolition of the brewery . 4th edition. Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Stuttgart 1980, ISBN 3-527-30860-1 , chapter, p. 316 .
  2. Humulus Lupulus and other bitter truths - why and why not hopping stuff. In: Brewing Industry. No. 4, 2009, p. 19 ( PDF ).