India Pale Ale

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A bottle of Gusswerk IPA

India Pale Ale (IPA) is a light, more heavily brewed pale ale .

The beer is to the 19th century in England and Scotland for the Indian crown colonies with a higher alcohol - and hop content brewed have been. Today India Pale Ales are mostly brewed by breweries in England, Scotland and the USA .

IPA has a relatively high alcohol content (6 to 9 vol%) and a wort of about 16 to 20  ° P . In terms of color, the IPA is 11 to 30  EBC .

The strong emphasis on hops and top fermentation of the IPA are not the only characteristics of this beer style. The strong hop bitterness (35 to 75 IBU ) and often also fruity aromas are even more memorable  . Many varieties have notes of citrus fruits, passion fruit or papaya. But there are also IPAs with an IBU value of over 100.

A classic India Pale Ale has a very strong and intense taste. The fruity note should stand out strongly and be clearly noticeable during the aroma test. In order to further increase the hop aroma, these beers are often stuffed with hops . This means that while the beer is maturing, another hop is added, with the otherwise volatile hop oils in particular accumulating in the beer. The IPA is considered the reference beer style of the craft beer movement.

Different from the classic IPA, there are numerous variants of this beer style, which are enjoying increasing popularity. Well-known IPA variants are:

  • American IPA
  • Belgian IPA
  • Black IPA
  • Brown IPA
  • Brut IPA
  • English IPA
  • Imperial IPA - Double IPA
  • International IPA
  • Milkshake IPA
  • New England IPA - NEIPA
  • Red IPA
  • Rye IPA
  • Session IPA - India Session Ale
  • Triple IPA
  • White IPA

Web links

Commons : India Pale Ales  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files