Horads 88.6

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Infobox radio tower icon
Horads 88.6
Station logo
Radio station (learning radio)
reception VHF
Reception area Baden-Württemberg
Start of transmission January 1, 2004
List of radio stations
Studios in Nobelstrasse at the Media University

"HORADS 88.6" is the campus radio of the Stuttgart university region. "HORADS 88.6" as a learning radio offers students the opportunity to get to know the medium of radio in a practical way and to produce programs by students for students and for everyone who is interested in the universities in their region.


The name "HoRadS" comes with a small pun on the Roman poet Horace back is paramount but the acronym for Ho chschul rad io S tuttgart. "HORADS" has been broadcasting since January 1st, 2004. The beginnings of the Stuttgart university radio, at that time still written "HoRadS", go back to a web radio that was made in 1999 from a small production studio at what was then the University of Library and Information Science (HBI) in Stuttgart sent. After the merger of HBI with the Hochschule für Druck und Medien (HDM) to become the Hochschule der Medien (HdM) in 2001, a new studio was put into operation at the Nobelstrasse location of the new Hochschule der Medien, which took over the entire broadcasting process. In 2005/06, two more studios and editorial rooms were built in Nobelstrasse. Until the end of 2009, HORADS only broadcast in the mornings, as the station had to share the 99.2 MHz frequency at that time with the local community radio in Stuttgart.

At the beginning of 2010, the University Radio Stuttgart received approval as a learning radio from the State Office for Communication (LFK) Baden-Württemberg and has been broadcasting around the clock on the new VHF frequency 88.6 MHz on the Internet as a live stream since January 1, 2010. The program can also be heard live via apps.


HORADS 88.6 is supported by the Hochschulradio Stuttgart (HoRadS eV) sponsoring association with financial support from the Baden-Württemberg State Institute for Communication (LFK). Members of "HoRadS eV" after the University of Stuttgart , the University of Hohenheim , the Stuttgart Media University , the State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart , the Protestant University Ludwigsburg and Authored student body (VS) Media University. The students from the various universities bring the respective know-how of their subject areas to the station and design the program independently.


With editorial offices at all member universities, HORADS 88.6 provides the Stuttgart region with information from the universities, the local cultural scene, new off-mainstream music and student lifestyle. The ad-free program includes a variety of word-of-mouth programs on various topics such as Internauts and Hertz for Nerds , genre music programs such as Worst Behavior and Fresh , the daily morning show and specials. The high proportion of words conveys topics and knowledge beyond the mainstream and broad reporting. The music color deviates from the usual format radio - without genre boundaries and open to new things: from indie , rock , hip-hop and electronic, but also classical music or DJ sounds to experimental tones.


HORADS 88.6 has been a learning radio officially licensed by the LFK Baden-Württemberg since 2010. All students and employees of the universities and colleges organized in the HoRadS eV association can participate. The best way to start at HORADS 88.6 is within an eight-week introductory round. Entry rounds start every eight weeks and are offered in the station's word and music department. In addition to workshops on the topics of radio journalism, contributions with original sound (BmO) and audio technology, practical radio experience in live broadcasts is the focus of the training. After completing the introductory round, further training to become a moderator can be completed. In some cases, parallel courses take place at the member universities that produce journalistic articles, series or broadcast formats for HORADS 88.6. Marketing, PR and the art of speaking are also integrated into the university radio.

Web links


  1. http://www.hdm-stuttgart.de/view_news?ident=news20100119113046
  2. HORADS 88.6 | Broadcast schedule. Retrieved on May 19, 2018 (German).