Hugo Schmerber

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Hugo Schmerber (born June 29, 1870 in Hostovice / Vendégi, Upper Hungary; † January 9, 1924 in Prague ) was an Austrian art historian and business scientist .


From 1896 he studied history and art history at the German University in Prague, where he received his doctorate in 1899. In addition, he worked from 1898 as a professor at the German Commercial Academy in Prague. In 1902 he became a private lecturer in art history and bookkeeping at the German Technical University in Prague, where he became an associate professor in 1909 and a full professor in 1919.

In addition to his teaching activities, he mainly devoted himself to research in the field of art and architectural history, in 1907 he took over the editing of the articles on Bohemian artists for the General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present .

Publications (selection)

  • The check in Austria. In: Forty-First Annual Report. Reimbursed at the end d. Academic year 1896–1897. Handelsakademie, Prague 1897, pp. 17–66 urn : nbn: de: bvb: 824-dtl-0000064990 .
  • The builders Christoph and Ignaz Kilian Dintzenhofer. Publishing house of the German Association for the Dissemination of Public Benefit Knowledge in Prague, Prague 1903.
  • Samson's wedding by Rembrandt. In: Art Chronicle. Weekly for arts and crafts. New series, Volume 16, Issue 7, EA Semann, Leipzig December 9, 1904, Col. 97–101 ( digitized version of the Heidelberg University Library ).
  • The snake of paradise (= on the history of art abroad. Issue 31). JHE Heitz, Strasbourg 1905 ( ).
  • Prague architecture around 1780 (= studies on German art history. Issue 163). JHE Heitz, Strasbourg 1913.
