Hugo VII of Lusignan

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Hugo VII of Lusignan (* around 1065; † 1151 ), called " the brown one " (le brun), was lord of Lusignan , crusader and son of Hugo VI. von Lusignan and his wife Hildegard von Thouars .

Following the example of his father, Hugo took in 1147 on the side of the French King Louis VII. On the Second Crusade in part.

The following children resulted from the marriage with Sarrasine von Lezay :

  • Hugo VIII of Lusignan (* around 1106; † 1173)
  • Simon of Lusignan († after 1167), Lord of Lezay
  • William of Lusignan, Lord of Angles
  • Rorgon of Lusignan († after 1167)
  • Valeran of Lusignan († after 1167)
  • Aime von Lusignan (* 1125; 1173) ∞ Gottfried IV., Vice Count of Thouars

After his death in 1151, his son Hugo succeeded him as Lord of Lusignan and Count of La Marche.


  • Sidney Painter: The Lords of Lusignan in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries. In: Speculum 32.1 (1957) 27-47.
  • Robert Favreau and Jean Richard: Lusignan . In: Lexicon of the Middle Ages (LexMA). Volume 6, Artemis & Winkler, Munich / Zurich 1993, ISBN 3-7608-8906-9 , Sp. 17–20, here Sp. 18.

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predecessor Office successor
Hugo VI. Lord of Lusignan