Humane registry

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A humane registry (for example: "humane registration") is a term from information technology . While machines usually communicate with one another when operating a web service in computer networks, a human registry offers automatically created, living documentation intended for humans .

The Humane Registry collects information about the interface of the service at runtime and presents this information in a form that is understandable and usable for humans. For example, the software Swagger displays REST services as a website . Developers can use the human registry to control the service directly with test data and analyze the return value .

This offers considerable advantages over manual documentation, as the data in the Humane Registry do not have to be updated manually and also always match the current interface version of the service. In addition, the interface can be controlled directly via the documentation and thus quickly researched.


The humane registry can be undesirable in a production environment. In this case, the developer must ensure that the humane registry is inactive in the production environment. If the human registry is desired in the production environment, the challenge arises of protecting not only the actual interface, but also the human registry against unwanted access by means of suitable authentication , authorization and encryption .


Individual evidence

  1. Martin Fowler : Humane Registry. December 1, 2008, accessed March 31, 2017 .
  2. ^ Michael T. Nygard: Release It !. Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software . O'Reilly, 2007, ISBN 978-0-9787392-1-8 (English, 326 pages).
  3. Swagger. Retrieved March 31, 2017 (English).