Humberto Cholango

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Humberto Cholango (2013)

Humberto Cholango (* 1975 in Los Andes , Cangahua , Pichincha Province ) is an Ecuadorian farmer and politician with an ethnic Kichwa background. From 2003 to 2009 he was chairman of the indigenous organization ECUARUNARI . Since April 2011 he has been chairman of the indigenous umbrella organization CONAIE .

As a child, Humberto Cholango took on responsibilities in the community when his father was mayor. Lacking people who could read and write, he became the ward secretary when he was in the second grade of primary school.

Humberto Cholango was involved in founding the association Corporación de Organizaciones indígenas y Campesinas de Cangahua (COINCCA, previously UNOIN) and headed the educational sector of the same. In addition, he was chairman of the youth group Intipa Churikuna ( Kichwa , "Children of the Sun") and founder of the radio station Radio Intipacha ("Solar Time" or "Sun World"). He was also the first coordinator of the Kayampi Confederation .

At ECUARUNARI he was initially responsible for youth and education from 2000 before he was elected President of ECUARUNARI in 2003. He held this office until December 2009, when he was replaced by Delfín Tenesaca .

On the night of April 2nd to 3rd, 2011, Humberto Cholango was elected chairman of the all-Ecuadorian indigenous association CONAIE at a delegates' meeting in Puyo ( Pastaza province ), receiving 472 votes out of 1,050 delegates, ahead of Auki Tituaña from Cotacachi (353 votes) and the Shuar Pepe Acacho (205 votes).

Humberto Cholango is married to Susana Quilumbaquin, with whom he has two children.

See also

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Individual evidence

  2. Alexandra Ávila: Humberto Cholango es el nuevo presidente de la Conaie. El Universo, April 3, 2011