Hunger hairstyle

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Hungerus Frisus , or simply hunger , (* around 800 in Friesland; † December 22, 866 in the Abbey of Prüm ) was a canon in Utrecht and then from 854 until his death Bishop of Utrecht . At first he had a good relationship with the Viking prince Rörik von Dorestad , who had brought Utrecht and almost all of Friesland under his rule around 850, and Rörik was later even baptized . Repeated Viking raids eventually forced Hunger and the Utrecht clergy to flee to St. Odilienberg, Roermond and finally to Deventer in 858 and officiate from there.

Hunger seems to have been a godly man who, unlike his predecessor Liudger, did not engage in selfish family politics. In the matter of the childless marriage between Emperor Lothar I and Teutberga , he defended the indissolubility of marriage for theological reasons.

He died of hunger on December 22nd, 866 in the Prüm Abbey in the Eifel . He was later canonized and is remembered on December 22nd.


  • Complete Lexicon of Saints . Augsburg, 1861, Volume 2, p. 805.
predecessor Office successor
Liudger Bishop of Utrecht
Adalbald I.