Hyatt Cove

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Hyatt Cove
Waters Bay of Flanders
Land mass Grahamland , Antarctic Peninsula
Geographical location 65 ° 5 '32 "  S , 63 ° 30' 21"  W Coordinates: 65 ° 5 '32 "  S , 63 ° 30' 21"  W
Hyatt Cove (Antarctic Peninsula)
Hyatt Cove

The Hyatt Cove is a bay on the Danco Coast of Graham Lands on the Antarctic Peninsula . In the Bay of Flanders , it lies between Punta Martin in the west and Sonia Point in the east.

Participants in the Belgica expedition (1897–1899) of the Belgian polar explorer Adrien de Gerlache de Gomery discovered them and roughly mapped them. Argentine, British and Chilean expeditions made more detailed mappings in the 1950s. The UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee named the bay in 1986 after Raymond Henry Hyatt (* 1925), who headed the Cartography Department at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office from 1970 to 1985 .

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