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Blossom of the European sea can . It is one of the plants that have hydropots

In botany the gland-like cellular differentiation of the lower leaf epidermis of floating leaf plants , which serves to absorb water and the nutrient salts dissolved in the water, is called hydropot ( Greek for water drinker ) .

For example, the undersides of the leaves of many water lily plants are densely covered with macroscopically visible small dots. They are hydropots; The microscopic image shows that the cells are bulging and embedded in the water-side epidermis of the leaf.

Individual evidence

  1. hydromorphism . In: Herder Lexicon of Biology. Volume 4, p. 310.
  2. K. Leder: Survival in an aerobic environment . In: PdN Biology. Issue 2/45, p. 31.