Hygen dog

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Hygen dog
Hygen dog
FCI Standard No. 266
1.2 Medium-sized hounds
Origin :


Alternative names:

Hygenbracke, Hygenlaufhund

Withers height:

Female 47–55 cm, ideally 51 cm.
Males 50–58 cm, ideally 54 cm

List of domestic dogs

The Hygenhund is a Norwegian breed of dog recognized by the FCI ( FCI Group 6, Section 1.2, Standard No. 266 ).

Origin and history

The hygen dog originated in the second half of the 19th century when the Norwegian breeder Hygen crossed imported Holstein bracken with other northern brackish species.

Brief description

The hygienic dog grows up to 58 cm tall, with coarse hair, which should be thick and shiny, but not too short. The colors of the dogs are: red-brown or yellow-red, often with black shading on the head, on the back and at the base of the tail, with or without white markings; Black / tan, usually combined with white markings; White with red-brown or yellow-red markings and stippled, or with black and tan markings. The ears are set on medium height, thin and soft, neither broad nor long, and taper towards the rounded tip.


The hygiene dog is used as a hunting and companion dog.

Web links

Commons : Hygenhund  - collection of images, videos and audio files