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The hypobromite ion

As hypobromites which are salts of hypobromous acid , respectively. Bromine is in the +1 oxidation state .

Hypobromites can be obtained by reacting bromine with alkalis . Molecular bromine disproportionates to bromide and hypobromite. The hypobromite salt can then be separated from the bromide salt by crystallization.

In Bromine this disproportionation takes place also, so it is slightly acidic.

Hypobromites are not stable and disproportionate to bromides and bromates , which is why they must be produced and stored at 0 ° C.


Hypobromites are used in the chemical laboratory as a reagent in the Hofmann rearrangement . Primary amines are formed from carboxamides .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Siegfried Hauptmann : Organic Chemistry , Verlag Harry Deutsch, Thun (1985) p. 423, ISBN 3-87144-902-4 .