Hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni

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Hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni
UNESCO world heritage UNESCO World Heritage Emblem

National territory: MaltaMalta Malta
Type: Culture
Criteria : (iii)
Surface: 0.13 ha
Reference No .: 130
UNESCO region : Europe and North America
History of enrollment
Enrollment: 1980  ( session 4 )

The hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni is one in the Neolithic , between 3800 and 2500 BC. BC , underground facility used in Malta , which was probably used for the burial of the dead and as a sanctuary. The Hypogeum was recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1980 and included in the National Inventory of Cultural Assets of the Maltese Islands .


As early as 1899, when a house was being built in the Maltese city of Paola, the subterranean temple complex ( hypogeum ) was struck by chance . The construction workers broke through the roof of the middle level while building a cistern. However, the find was not reported to the authorities until 1902, as the builders feared that construction work would be interrupted. They were proved right: the construction work was stopped immediately after the sensational discovery became known. In the meantime, four houses have been demolished in order to have full access to the underground temple. Skeletons of around 7,000 people have been found in the caves.


Model of the hypogeum

The hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni consists of many underground passages, halls and niches and extends over three levels. The top level used to be above ground, has been overlaid by rock over the millennia and is well below today's street level. The middle and lower levels were originally underground. The passages were driven up to 10.6 meters deep into the soft limestone with stone and bone tools and gradually widened over about 1300 years. The total area of ​​the hypogeum is around 500  . The walls and ceilings are partially adorned with ocher-colored paintings, consisting of decorative, winding tendril patterns and discs. In the room known as the oracle chamber , there are spirals made of red ocher that look like a plant pattern. In addition, a black and white checkerboard pattern was found. Furthermore, in the neighboring rooms one encounters a combination of discs, hexagons and semi-spirals. One room called All Saints' Day is particularly impressive : a complete facade with a threshold and orthostats was carved into the rock. A cantilever vault completes the ceiling of the room. In the bottom there is a V-shaped recess with a stopper, which was probably used for libations. The space behind the facade of the Holy of Holies was started but not finished. This may be related to the mysterious halt to all construction activities from 2500 to 2000 BC. The following construction activities are no longer attributed to the Stone Age, but to the Bronze Age.


The sleeping lady

In addition to altars, skeletal remains were found in the niches. Probably the most famous find from the complex is a 12.2 cm long statuette , which depicts a reclining female figure and is called the "sleeping lady". Today it is exhibited in the Archaeological Museum in Valetta.


The hypogeum is most likely a burial site where ritual acts were also carried out. The similarity of the triliths carved into the rock with the aboveground structures suggest this. The fact that the here, like most of the Neolithic sculptures found elsewhere in Malta, are presumably female, led to the assumption that it was a matriarchal society and that priestesses, fortune tellers, etc. were buried in the hypogeum. But this view was put into perspective again, because meanwhile the sculpture of a “holy family” (man, woman, child) has also been found. A reference to the nearby temple of Tarxien was also established. According to this, Tarxien could have been a kind of temple for the living and the hypogeum a temple for the dead with a burial place.


The temple complex can be visited to a limited extent - currently there are usually eight tours a day with a maximum of ten people each.

A second hypogeum of the archipelago is on Gozo . The underground areas under Brochtorff Circle are in the excavation phase and are still inaccessible.

See also


Web links

Commons : Hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 35 ° 52 '10.54 "  N , 14 ° 30' 24.72"  O