Integrated energy and climate program

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During its closed meeting in Meseberg on August 23, 2007 , the German Federal Government decided on the cornerstones of the Integrated Energy and Climate Program (IEKP) . This program is therefore also known as the Meseberger resolutions .


The program is intended to implement the European policy decisions made in spring 2007 with regard to climate protection, the expansion of renewable energies and energy efficiency in a national package of measures. The implementation is to take place in such a way that the climate protection goals are continuously achieved by 2020.

Package of measures

The current status, goal and measures are formulated for the following 29 points:

  1. Combined Heat and Power Act
  2. Expansion of renewable energies ( renewable energy ) in the electricity sector
  3. Low-CO 2 power plant technologies
  4. Intelligent measurement methods for electricity consumption ( intelligent meter )
  5. Clean power plant technologies
  6. Introduction of modern energy management systems
  7. Funding programs for climate protection and energy efficiency
  8. Energy efficient products
  9. Feed-in regulation for biogas in natural gas networks
  10. Energy Saving Ordinance
  11. Operating costs for rental apartments
  12. CO 2 building renovation program
  13. Energetic modernization of the social infrastructure
  14. Renewable Energies Heat Act (EEWärmeG)
  15. Program for the energetic renovation of federal buildings
  16. CO 2 strategy for cars
  17. Expansion of biofuels
  18. Conversion of motor vehicle tax on CO 2 -based
  19. Consumption labeling for cars
  20. Improved steering effect of the truck toll
  21. Air traffic
  22. Shipping
  23. Reduction of emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases
  24. Procurement of energy efficient products and services
  25. Energy research and innovation
  26. Electromobility
  27. International projects for climate protection and energy efficiency
  28. Energy and climate policy reporting by the German embassies and consulates
  29. Transatlantic Climate and Technology Initiative.

Costs and benefits of the program

The Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research , in cooperation with the Öko-Institut and Forschungszentrum Jülich , evaluated selected measures economically. For the year 2020, the measures examined could save 2218 PJ of energy. This would result in gross costs of € 31 billion, offset by energy saving costs of € 36 billion.

Web links


  1. Sigmar Gabriel: Climate protection also benefits consumers and the economy - Cabinet adopts climate and energy package. Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), August 24, 2007, accessed on March 16, 2014 .
  2. Measures no. 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17: (PDF; 205 kB)