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The statue of Idrimi

Idrimi , king of Alalach (1475–1450 BC?), Was a vassal of the kingdom of Mittani . In 1447 BC In BC (33rd year of Thutmose III's reign ), Idrimi had to pay tribute to Egypt .

The territory of the small kingdom, or better the principality of Idrimi, is now on Turkish territory, but rather belongs to the ancient Syrian culture. As a buffer zone or bone of contention between the Anatolian and Mesopotamian great powers, smaller areas of rule could survive in their weak phases. In Idrimi's time there was even more unrest as Mittani grew stronger and Egypt reached north. Historically, Idrimi is a marginal phenomenon, but in terms of art history it has significance for posterity.

A broken seated statue of Idrimis was found in the ruins of the temple district of Alalach . It is made of stone with a height of 140 cm and inscribed over the entire surface with his CV. The style is flattened Old Syriac. In an incorrect Akkadian , the autobiographical inscription gives Idrimis Vita. He fled the city of Halab as a prince and spent a long time in exile, including with the Suteans and the Apiru . This escape story is also the oldest known written mention of Canaan .

After he had rallied supporters around himself, he returned to Alalach and was confirmed in his rule over the city by the Mitannian king Paratarna in dependent kingship.

Idrimi's successor as ruler of Alalach was his son Niqmepa.


  • Manfred Dietrich, Oswald Loretz: Investigations into the statue and inscription of King Idrimi of Alalaḫ: The inscription of the statue of King Idrimi of Alalaḫ. In: Ugarit-Forschungen 13 (1981), 201-268.
  • Amir S. Fink: Where Was the Statue of Idrimi Actually Found? The Later Temples of Tell Atchana (Alalakh) Revisited. In: Ugarit-Forschungen 39 (2007), 161–245.
  • EL Greenstein, D. Marcus: The Akkadian Inscription of Idrimi. In: JANES, 8 : 59-96 (1976).
  • Horst Klengel : Investigations into the statue and inscription of King Idrimi of Alalaḫ: Historical commentary on the inscription of Idrimi of Alalaḫ. In: Ugarit-Forschungen 13 (1981), 269-278.
  • Ruth Mayer-Opificius: Research on the statue and inscription of King Idrimi of Alalaḫ: Archaeological commentary on the statue of Idrimi of Alalaḫ. In: Ugarit-Forschungen 13 (1981), 279-290.
  • Sidney Smith: The Statue of Idri-Mi (Occasional Publications of the British Institute of Archeology in Ankara 1). London 1949.

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