Kurt-Alphons Jochheim

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Kurt-Alphons Jochheim (born January 20, 1921 in Hamburg ; † March 30, 2013 in Lechenich ) was a German rehabilitation doctor , Nestor of Rehabilitation in Germany and founding father of integrated medical-professional-social rehabilitation.

Live and act

After studying medicine in Halle and Hamburg (doctorate), he taught at Syracuse University in New York . He dedicated his habilitation in 1958 at the University of Cologne to the topic of the basics of rehabilitation in the FRG . From 1967 to 1987 he was head of the rehabilitation center of the University of Cologne, the first such university institution, and as professor for rehabilitation and disabled sports from 1964 to his retirement in 1986, head of the institute for rehabilitation and disabled sports at the German Sport University Cologne (DSHS). The existing disciplines of rehabilitation at the DSHS were brought together by him under the umbrella of the institute, so that rehabilitation was defined here for the first time as a joint medical and educational task. Ingo Froböse is one of his numerous students . During this time he also taught as an adjunct professor for neurology and psychiatry at the University of Cologne. He also taught at Syracuse University in New York.

Jochheim was honorary president of the New York-based Rehabilitation International Association from 1972 to 1976 , and from 1967 to 1992 chairman and honorary chairman of the German Association for Rehabilitation (DVfR). He was appointed to the WHO Expert Council for Rehabilitation.

From 1962 to 2002, Jochheim was co-editor of the magazine “ Die Rehabilitation ” and author of more than 250 publications.

Jochheim was buried in Hamburg.


In 1995, Kurt-Alphons Jochheim was awarded the Great Cross of Merit of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for his academic and voluntary services to sport and society . In 1996 the German Sport University Cologne awarded him honorary citizenship. In 1998 he was awarded the Paracelsus Medal by the German medical profession . On June 12, 2002, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Rehabilitation Sciences Faculty of the University of Dortmund.

On the occasion of its 100th year of foundation, the German Association for Rehabilitation donated the Kurt Alphons Jochheim Medal in recognition of his services. It was first awarded at the 2011 DVfR Congress.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The rehabilitation

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