Idushchy vests

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Iduschtschije wmeste ( Russian Идущие вместе ; in German: Those who walk together ) is a youth organization loyal to the government in Russia. The name of the organization is sometimes also translated into German as a common path . One of its initiators was Vasily Jakemenko , who later also headed the Nashi youth organization . The movement was the forerunner of other pro -government youth organizations such as the aforementioned Nashi, as well as Molodaja Gwardija and Mestnye .


The organization was founded in 2000. The liberal Russian press suspected that their creation was supported by the deputy head of the Russian presidential administration Vladislav Surkov . The chairman of Idushchiye wmeste, Vasily Jakemenko , had previously worked in the domestic affairs department of the presidential administration.

The leadership of Idushchie wmeste, however, emphasized their independence. Yakemenko said the organization was founded on an idea he and his brother had.


Between 2000 and 2004, Idushchiy vests organized large-scale events in support of Russian President Vladimir Putin , which had between 10,000 and 20,000 participants. They also attracted international attention with scandalous events such as the action in front of the Bolshoi Theater directed against the writer Vladimir Sorokin , in which he was described as a "feces eater and pornographer" and his books were symbolically thrown into a toilet bowl.


According to its own information, the organization was financed by "donations from large companies and banks" as well as membership fees and municipal funds for youth development.

Loss of meaning

After its founder and chairman Vasily Jakemenko left the organization in April 2005 to take over the leadership of the newly founded Nashi movement , Idushchiye wmeste lost its importance. The vice-chairman, Jakemenko's brother, said that the organization would continue, but that it would not deal with political issues, but only with cultural issues. Vasily Jakemenko's successor to the post of chairman was Pawel Vladimirovich Tarakanov .


  • Savelyev, WA: Gorjatschaja molodesh Rossii. Lidery. Organization i dwishenija. Tactics, bitw. Kontakty , Kwanta 2006.