Pavel Vladimirovich Tarakanov

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Pavel Tarakanov

Pawel Wladimirowitsch Tarakanow ( Russian Павел Владимирович Тараканов ; born June 21, 1982 in Chișinău ) is chairman of the Russian youth organization Iduschtschije wmeste , politician of the LDPR and member of the Duma , the Russian parliament.

After the founder Vasily Jakemenko left the organization in April 2005, Pavel Tarakanov took over the position of chairman. In the 5th term of office of the Russian Duma Tarakanov was appointed chairman of the youth committee. On 17 September 2018 he became a member of the Federation Council of the Tyumen Oblast .

Individual evidence

  1. Russia's Duma Youth Committee endorses chemical castration of pedophiles on of April 9, 2008