Ilona Durigo

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Ilona Durigo

Ilona Durigo (born May 13, 1881 in Budapest ; † December 25, 1943 there ) was a Hungarian singer (alto) and singing teacher.


Durigo was a student of Bianca Malezcky , Filip Forstén , Julius Stockhausen , Etelka Gerster and Eduard Bellwidt . She performed mainly as a concert singer (also songs and oratorios). When mixed choir Zurich they occurred from 1911 to 1943 in more than 40 oratorios and concerts as a soloist.

From 1921 to 1937 she taught as a singing teacher at the Zurich Conservatory. One of her students was Maria Stader . During this time there were also encounters and friendships with Hermann Hesse (since 1911) and Othmar Schoeck , whose most important song interpreter she is, as well as Fritz Brun (composer and conductor) and Alphonse Brun (violinist). Her art of song was particularly evident in her collaboration with the composer Othmar Schoeck, who set many of Hermann Hesse's poems to music. In 1913 Durigo premiered four poems set by Volkmar Andreae in Zurich. The Berner Tagblatt (vol. 27, no. 140, Thursday, March 25, 1915, Abendblatt p. 2) wrote a detailed review of a recital by Durigo with Othmar Schoeck in Bern on March 23, 1915 : “... Ms. Durigo sang these and all other songs (with the encore there were 19) ... with deepest emotion. Her own experience of these songs was not only expressed in the musical performance differentiations (so wonderfully delicate, poetic tones, like those in her head register, had not been heard from any singer before), but also in the increasing and decreasing brilliance of her eyes, this true mirror of the soul. And that her interpretation consistently accurately captured what the composer felt, was proven by the perfect harmony of her wonderful singing with Schoeck's peculiarly beautiful piano playing ”. She married the Hungarian pianist and piano teacher Osman Kasics (1881-1943), had Tibor Kasics with him in 1904, and followed her husband back to Budapest in 1937, where she taught at the local conservatory.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Volkmar Andreae : Four poems by HH. for one (male) St. with a class accompaniment. Op. 23. Hug, Zurich 1912.
  2. Volker Michels (Ed.): Hermann Hesse: Music. Reflections, poems, reviews and letters. 1986, p. 173.
  3. Hermann Hesse and Othmar Schoeck, the correspondence ; ed. by Chris Walton and Martin Germann. - Culture Commission Canton Schwyz, Schwyz 2016. - ( Schwyzer Hefte ; Volume 105), ISBN 978-3-909102-67-9 , esp. Pp. 34–35.
  4. ^ Daniel Gloor: Ilona Durigo estate directory. Zurich 2009, p. VI ( online )