Ilse Müller

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Ilse Müller (born January 25, 1939 in Stuttgart ; † May 13, 2019 in Konstanz ) was a German manager. She was one of the pioneers in the German IT industry.


Müller was one of the first German managers. However, she had a hard struggle in the computer industry in which she worked and which in her time from 1970 to 1996 was still almost a purely male domain . Together with her husband Otto Müller , she founded Computertechnik Müller GmbH (CTM for short) in Constance in 1972 , which manufactured computers. After the sale of the CTM, the Müllers founded Hyperstone GmbH and no longer developed computer systems, but microcontrollers . CTM developed the first client-server architecture in Germany in the 1980s.

In 1992 she received the Baden-Württemberg Dr. Rudolf Eberle Business Prize .


  • Ilse Müller: The glory and misery of the German computer industry - my experience as a high-tech entrepreneur . Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt [u. a.] 1995, ISBN 3-593-35220-6

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