Imam Ali Mosque

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Imam Ali mosques bear their names in memory of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib , the son-in-law and cousin of the Prophet Muhammad .


The Shiites (from Arabic Shiat Ali : Ali's party) only recognize Imam Ali and not the three caliphs elected before him after the death of the founder of the religion, Mohammed (632), as legitimate successors of the Prophet and thus the highest religious and secular leaders. Ali was assassinated in 661. According to the doctrine of the majority of Shiites, he is the first of twelve imams from the Prophet's family.

The Imam Ali Mosque in Najaf is revered as a holy place by Shiite Muslims around the world . They assume that Ali ibn Abi Talib is buried in the mosque. Because of this outstanding importance, Shiite mosques around the world often bear the name of Ali.

Well-known Imam Ali mosques

Individual evidence

  1. Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH)