In Christ

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“In Christo” is a church newspaper and is published by the “Association of Church Gazette for the Parishes in the Archdiocese of Vaduz In Christo”. "In Christo" appeared for the first time as the ecclesiastical gazette for the parishes of Liechtenstein on November 28, 1936. "In Christo" is financed by subscribers' contributions, the parishes in Liechtenstein and private donations. In 2011 "In Christo" had 3500 subscribers.

Foundation and history

The Catholic Swiss pastor Johannes Tschuor (1896–1990) came to Schaan in 1924 as a vicar and parish assistant and in 1933 became the pastor of the parish, which he served until 1965. As a pastor he was there for his community during the period of unemployment , the Second World War and the transition to an industrial state . Johannes Tschuor was active against National Socialism in Liechtenstein . He opposed the upheavals and developments of the time openly and courageously.

Just one year after he became a pastor in Schaan, he founded the parish publication “Vom Einfach Christianentum” and introduced it to the parishes of Schaan and Planken . From this the ecclesiastical gazette "In Christo - ecclesiastical gazette for the parishes of Liechtenstein" developed, which appeared for the first time on November 28, 1936 and was then published by the Liechtenstein chapter of priests. Every two weeks "In Christo" provided information about church services and church events. The editor of the ecclesiastical gazette was Johannes Tschuor from its founding in 1936 until 1988.

As a clergyman, Johannes Tschuor opened the Liechtenstein population's eyes to larger contexts and tried to reach the faithful through the parish leaflet “In Christo”. He wrote over and over again about the great love of God. His leading articles each appeared in a specific time background, which should be taken into account when reading and interpreting the texts in order to understand the deeper meaning.

From 1970 "In Christo" was published by the dean's office in Liechtenstein . Pastor Johannes Tschuor died on July 7, 1990. Around 1990 the number of pages in the official gazette doubled from eight to sixteen, and “In Christo” increasingly developed into a platform for ethical and religious topics. Towards the end of the 1990s, “In Christo” had 4500 subscribers.

The ecclesiastical gazette is financed by the parishes in Liechtenstein, through private donations as well as contributions from subscribers.

In 1997 the deanery was dissolved and the Archdiocese of Vaduz was established. Since 2000 "In Christo" has been published by the "Association of Church Gazette for Parishes of the Archdiocese of Vaduz in Christo". The church newspaper had around 3,500 subscribers in 2011.


Individual proof

  1. ^ A b Franz Näscher: Tschuor, Johannes. In: Historical Lexicon of the Principality of Liechtenstein . December 31, 2011 , accessed June 23, 2019 .
  2. a b c Adulf Peter Goop: Lic. Theol. Canon Johannes Tschuor . In: Liechtensteinische Trachtenvereinigung (Ed.): EinTracht . National holiday, No. 9 , 1995, p. 6-7 ( ).
  3. a b c d Wilfried Marxer: In Christo. In: Historical Lexicon of the Principality of Liechtenstein . December 31, 2011 , accessed June 23, 2019 .