Church gazette

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An ecclesiastical gazette serves the dioceses of the Roman Catholic Church , the Old Catholic Church and the Protestant regional churches as the official publication organ for legislative and administrative acts.

Among other things, the following are published:

  • Church laws, ordinances, guidelines and orders of the church leadership
  • Statutes of the parishes , church districts , associations and other church associations
  • Budgets
  • Certificates, new and old seals, event notices, personnel news such as transfers and job postings
  • Judgments by ecclesiastical courts, overviews of case law.

During the 1950s to the 1980s, theological and church history essays were published in church official gazettes in the GDR .

In recent years, the editions have also been increasingly published online.

State legal norms only become effective if they have been promulgated in an official gazette .

Selection of various church official gazettes

Roman Catholic Church

designation Bibliographic evidence Internet presence
Acta Apostolicae Sedis (publication organ of the Holy See) Published since 1909, initially irregularly as required, since 2003 monthly. The previous Acta Sanctae Sedis was published from 1864 to 1908 . [1]
Church gazette for the diocese of Aachen. Official Journal of the Diocese of Aachen since 1931, published every six months, published by the Episcopal General Vicariate Aachen
Official Journal for the Diocese of Augsburg since 1891, appears irregularly several times a year, publisher Bischöfliches Ordinariat Augsburg
Official journal for the Archdiocese of Bamberg since 2001, published monthly, published by the Archdiocese of Bamberg, previously since 1947 the Official Gazette for the Archdiocese of Bamberg , published monthly, published by the Archdiocese of Bamberg
Official Journal of the Archdiocese of Berlin since 1998, published monthly, published by the Archbishop's Office in Berlin; previously from 1994 to 1997 the official gazette of the Archbishop's Ordinariate Berlin , published monthly, published by the Archdiocese of Berlin; previously since 1929/1930 Official Journal of the Episcopal Ordinariate Berlin , publisher Diocese Berlin [2]
Ecclesiastical gazette for the diocese of Dresden-Meißen since 1991, appears irregularly, publisher diocese Dresden-Meissen, episcopal ordinariate, Lentenhirtenwort absorbed therein , publisher diocese Dresden-Meißen
Pastoral paper of the diocese of Eichstätt since 1854, appears irregularly, editor of the Bischöfliches Ordinariat
Official journal for the diocese of Erfurt since 1994, publisher Diocese of Erfurt, previously from 1991 and 1993 to 1994 Official Gazette of the Episcopal Office Erfurt-Meiningen , publisher Episcopal Office Erfurt / Meiningen; 1973 to 1990 ecclesiastical official gazette of the Ordinariate and Episcopal Offices in the German Democratic Republic , edition of the Episcopal Office Erfurt / Meiningen
Ecclesiastical gazette for the diocese of Essen since 1958, editor of the Episcopal General Vicariate [3]
Official Journal of the Archdiocese of Freiburg since 1933, published about 35 times a year, editor of the Archbishop's Ordinariate [4]
Ecclesiastical gazette for the diocese of Fulda since 1885, publisher of the Episcopal General Vicariate, recorded in it pastoral letter for the diocese or the diocese of Fulda during Lent and for other occasions , 1743 to 1922
Official Journal of the Diocese of Görlitz since 1994, published irregularly, published by the Diocese of Görlitz, previously from 1991 to 1994 the official gazette of the Apostolic Administration of Görlitz , published by the Apostolic Administration of Görlitz, previously from 1973 to 1990 ecclesiastical gazette of the Ordinariate and Episcopal Offices in the German Democratic Republic , edition of the Apostolic Administration of Görlitz [5]
Official Journal of the Archdiocese of Hamburg since 1995, published monthly, published by the Archdiocese of Hamburg [6]
Church indicator for the diocese of Hildesheim since 1889, publisher of the Episcopal General Vicariate, from 1936 to 1944 Kirchlicher Anzeiger of the Diocese of Hildesheim [7]
Official Journal of the Archdiocese of Cologne since 1978, appears irregularly, publisher Archdiocese of Cologne, from 1852 to 1977 under the title Kirchlicher Anzeiger for the Archdiocese of Cologne [8th]
Official Journal of the Diocese of Limburg since 1853, accessible online since 1985 (including register) [9]
Ecclesiastical gazette of the diocese of Magdeburg since 2004, from 1994 to 2004 under the title Official Communications of the Diocese of Magdeburg [10]
Ecclesiastical gazette for the diocese of Mainz since 1858, publisher of the Episcopal Ordinariate, secondary title from 1859 to 1865 Announcement from the Episcopal Ordinariate in Mainz
Official journal for the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising since 1965, published irregularly, publisher Archbishop's Ordinariate, previously since 1880 Official Journal. Archdiocese of Munich and Freising. , published irregularly, publisher Archbishop's Office in Munich and Freising
Ecclesiastical gazette for the diocese of Münster since 1887, publisher of the Episcopal Vicariate General Münster [11]
Ecclesiastical gazette of the Diocese of Osnabrück since 1884, editor of the Episcopal General Vicariate [12]
Ecclesiastical gazette for the Archdiocese of Paderborn since 1930, publisher of the Archbishop's General Vicariate in Paderborn, previously from 1852 to 1856 and 1870 to 1930 ecclesiastical gazette for the Diocese of Paderborn , publisher of the Vicariate General [13]
Official journal for the Diocese of Passau since 1943, appears irregularly, publisher of the Bischöfliches Ordinariat zu Passau [14]
Official Journal for the Diocese of Regensburg since 1932, appears irregularly, publisher Bischöfliches Ordinariat Regensburg, previously from 1852 to 1931 Oberhirtliches Verordnungsblatt for the diocese of Regensburg. Official Journal of the Episcopal Ordinariate in Regensburg , publisher of the Episcopal Ordinariate's Office [15]
Ecclesiastical gazette for the Diocese of Rottenburg from 1894 to 1978, publisher of the Episcopal Ordinariate, successor of the Church Official Gazette for the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart
Ecclesiastical gazette for the diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart since 1978, editor of the Episcopal Ordinariate [16]
Oberhirtliches Ordinance Sheet. Official journal for the Diocese of Speyer since 2005, publisher of the Episcopal Ordinariate Speyer, previously from 1908 to 2004 Oberhirtliches Verordnungsblatt for the Diocese of Speyer , publisher of the Episcopal Ordinariate Speyer [17]
Ecclesiastical gazette for the diocese of Trier since 1965, publisher of the Diocese of Trier, successor to the Church Official Gazette for the Diocese of Trier , 1853 to 1964 only the latest edition [18]
Würzburger Diocesan Gazette. Official ordinance sheet of the Diocese of Würzburg since 1855, published fortnightly, publisher Bischöfliches Ordinariat [19]
Ordinance sheet of the Catholic military bishop for the German Federal Armed Forces since 1996, appears irregularly, publisher The Catholic Military Bishop for the German Federal Armed Forces

Linzer Diözesanblatt since 1855 [20]

Ecclesiastical gazette for the diocese of Metz appeared from 1916, discontinued in 1918; Editor of the Episcopal Ordinariate Metz

Old Catholic Church

Diocese Bibliographic evidence Internet presence
Official church gazette of the Catholic Diocese of Old Catholics in Germany Appears when required, proven under a changing title since 1878 [21]

Protestant churches

Regional church Bibliographic evidence Internet presence
Official Journal. Evangelical Church of Anhalt proven 1956 to 1966, since 1968, publisher of the Evangelical Church Council for Anhalt, meanwhile 1966 to 1968 Official and Ordinance Gazette of the Evangelical Church of Anhalt, publisher of the Evangelical Church Council for Anhalt
Law and ordinance gazette of the Evangelical Church in Baden since 1957, appears irregularly, publisher Evangelischer Oberkirchenrat, previously 1918 to 1957 Law and Ordinance Gazette for the United Evangelical-Protestant Church in Baden, publisher Evangelischer Oberkirchenrat
Official journal for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria since 1948, published monthly, publisher of the regional church council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria, previously 1921 to 1947 official journal for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria on the right of the Rhine, publisher of the Evangelical Lutheran regional church council in Munich, previously 1918 to 1920 official journal for the Protestant regional church in Bavaria on the right of the Rhine, previously from 1914 to 1918 Official Gazette for the Protestant Church of the Kingdom of Bavaria on the right of the Rhine, sub-title of the Official Gazette for the Protestant Church in the Kingdom of Bavaria on the right of the Rhine
Ecclesiastical gazette of the Evangelical Church in Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper Lusatia since 2004, published monthly, publisher of the consistory of the Evangelical Church in Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper Lusatia , previously from 1946 to 2003 ecclesiastical gazette of the Evangelical Church in Berlin-Brandenburg, publisher of the consistory of the Evangelical Church in Berlin-Brandenburg (Berlin-West), previously also 1992 to 1994 and 1994 to 1995 Official Journal. Evangelical Church of the Silesian Upper Lusatia
Ecclesiastical gazette of the ecclesiastical province of Mark Brandenburg appeared from 1927 to 1949, later title Church Official Gazette of the Evangelical Church in Berlin-Brandenburg
State Church Official Gazette. Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church in Braunschweig since 1970, Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church in Braunschweig , previously from 1938 to 1970 Regional Church Official Gazette of the Braunschweig Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church, Braunschweig Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church
Laws, regulations and notices. Bremen Evangelical Church proven 1925 to 1944, not published 1945 to 1946, since 1947, editor of the Church Committee
Ecclesiastical gazette for the Evangelical Lutheran regional church of Hanover since 1924, appears as required, publisher Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church Office Hanover [22]
Official journal of the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau since 1947, appears monthly, publisher EKHN church administration
Official communications from the Evangelical Church in Kurhessen-Waldeck published May 1935 to October 1935, publisher provisional church leadership of the Evangelical Church in Kurhessen-Waldeck
Ecclesiastical gazette of the Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church of Mecklenburg published irregularly from 1952 to 2012, organ of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mecklenburg , which was incorporated into the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany, previously the Church Official Gazette for Mecklenburg from 1934 to 1948 and from 1950 to 1952 the Church Official Gazette for Mecklenburg, previously from 1920 to 1934 Mecklenburg-Strelitzer ecclesiastical gazette and from 1922 to 1934 ecclesiastical gazette for Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Ecclesiastical gazette of the Memel region proven 1926 to 1935; Evangelical consistory of the Memel region
Official journal of the Evangelical Church in Central Germany since 2009, published monthly, published by the Church Office of the Evangelical Church in Central Germany , previously from 2005 to 2008 Official Journal of the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Central Germany , published by the Church Office of the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Central Germany, previously from 1948 to 2004 Official Journal of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thuringia , published by the State Council of Churches of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thuringia and documented from 1956 to 2004 Official Journal of the Evangelical Church of the Church Province of Saxony , publisher of the church leadership of the Ev. Church of the ecclesiastical province of Saxony
Ecclesiastical gazette of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany since June 2012, published monthly, published by the Regional Church Office of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany
Law and regulation gazette of the North Elbian Evangelical Lutheran Church published quarterly from 1977 to 2012, publisher of the North Elbian Church Office of the North Elbian Evangelical Lutheran Church , which was merged into the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany, previously from 1944 to 1974 Church Law and Ordinance Gazette of the Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church of Schleswig-Holstein, publisher of Evangelical- Lutheran Regional Church Office
Law and Ordinance Gazette of the Evangelical Reformed Church since 2010, publisher Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche, Landeskirchenamt, Leer, previously from 1988 to 2009 law and regulation gazette of the Evangelical Reformed Church, publisher Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche (Synod of Evangelical Reformed Churches in Bavaria and Northwest Germany), previously from 1961 to 1988 Law and Ordinance Gazette of the Evangelical Reformed Church in Northwest Germany, publisher of the Regional Council of Churches of the Evangelical Reformed Church in Northwest Germany , previously since 1946 Church Law and Ordinance Gazette for the Evangelical Reformed Church in Northwest Germany, publisher of the Regional Church Office, Aurich
Law and Ordinance Gazette for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Oldenburg since 1849/1850, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Oldenburg
Official Journal of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate (Protestant State Church) since 1978, publisher of the regional church council of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate, previously 1921 to 1978 official journal of the United Protestant-Evangelical-Christian Church of the Palatinate (Palatinate regional church), publisher of the regional church council in Speyer
Official Journal of the Pomeranian Evangelical Church from 1990 to 2012, publisher of the church leadership of the Pomeranian Evangelical Church , which was incorporated into the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany, previously from 1972 to 1990 the official gazette of the Evangelical Church in Greifswald, editor of the church leadership of the Evangelical Church of Greifswald and previously from 1956 to 1971, appeared irregularly, Official journal of the Evangelical Consistory in Greifswald, Consistory of the Evangelical Regional Church Greifswald
Official gazette of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland since 1948, appears monthly in the middle of the month, publisher Landeskirchenamt, Düsseldorf [23]
Ecclesiastical gazette for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Schaumburg-Lippe proven since 1929, not published 1941 to 1942, publisher Evangelisch-Lutherische Landeskirche Schaumburg-Lippe
Ecclesiastical law and regulation gazette of the Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church of Schleswig-Holstein published from 1944 to 1976, publisher regional church office of the Evangelical Lutheran regional church Schleswig-Holstein
Ecclesiastical gazette of the Evangelical Church of Westphalia since 1945 has been published monthly, published by the Evangelical Church of Westphalia , also available as an electronic resource until 1999 online since 1999 [24]
Official journal of the Evangelical Church in Württemberg since 1924, publisher of the Evangelical Oberkirchenrat, previously from 1855 to 1924 the official journal of the Württemberg Evangelical Consistory and the Synod


  • Jens Bulisch: Evangelical press in the GDR . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2006, ISBN 3-525-55744-2 , pp. 100-108.
  • Lothar Wächter : Official Journal . In: Walter Kasper (Ed.): Lexicon for Theology and Church . 3. Edition. tape 1 . Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1993, Sp. 564 .
  • Lothar Wächter: Law in Canon Law. A legal-linguistic and systematic-normative study on basic problems of recording the law in Catholic church law. EOS-Verlag, St. Ottilien 1989, ISBN 3-88096-343-6 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ DNB: Church Gazette for the Diocese of Aachen
  2. DNB: Official Journal for the Diocese of Augsburg
  3. DNB: Official Journal for the Archdiocese of Bamberg
  4. DNB: Official Journal for the Archdiocese of Bamberg
  5. ^ DNB: Official Gazette of the Archdiocese of Berlin
  6. ^ DNB: Official Gazette of the Archbishop's Ordinariate Berlin
  7. ^ DNB: Official Journal of the Episcopal Ordinariate Berlin
  8. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical Official Gazette for the Diocese of Dresden-Meißen
  9. DNB: Lenten shepherd's word
  10. ^ DNB: Pastoral Journal of the Diocese of Eichstätt
  11. ^ DNB: Official Journal of the Diocese of Erfurt
  12. ^ DNB: Official Gazette of the Episcopal Office Erfurt-Meiningen
  13. DNB: Ecclesiastical Official Gazette of Ordinariats and Episcopal Offices in the German Democratic Republic, edition of the Episcopal Office Erfurt / Meiningen
  14. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical Official Gazette of the Diocese of Essen
  15. ^ DNB: Official Gazette of the Archdiocese of Freiburg
  16. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical Official Gazette for the Diocese of Fulda
  17. DNB: Pastoral letter for the diocese or the diocese of Fulda during Lent and for other occasions
  18. ^ DNB: Official Gazette of the Diocese of Görlitz
  19. ^ DNB: Official Gazette of the Apostolic Administration Görlitz
  20. DNB: Ecclesiastical Official Gazette of Ordinariats and Episcopal Offices in the German Democratic Republic , edition of the Apostolic Administration Görlitz
  21. DNB: Official Journal of the Archdiocese of Hamburg
  22. ^ DNB: Church Gazette for the Diocese of Hildesheim
  23. ^ DNB: Official Gazette of the Archdiocese of Cologne
  24. ^ DNB: Church Gazette for the Archdiocese of Cologne
  25. ^ DNB: Official Gazette of the Diocese of Limburg
  26. ^ DNB: Church Official Gazette of the Diocese of Magdeburg
  27. ^ DNB: Official notices of the diocese of Magdeburg
  28. DNB: Church Official Gazette for the Diocese of Mainz
  29. DNB: Official Journal for the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising
  30. DNB: Official Journal. Archdiocese of Munich and Freising
  31. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical gazette for the diocese of Münster
  32. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical Official Gazette of the Diocese of Osnabrück
  33. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical Official Gazette for the Archdiocese of Paderborn
  34. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical Official Gazette for the Diocese of Paderborn
  35. ^ DNB: Official Gazette for the Diocese of Passau
  36. ^ DNB: Official Gazette for the Diocese of Regensburg
  37. DNB: Oberhirtliches Ordinance Sheet for the Diocese of Regensburg. Official journal of the Episcopal Ordinariate in Regensburg
  38. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical Official Gazette for the Diocese of Rottenburg
  39. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical Official Gazette for the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart
  40. DNB: Oberhirtliches Ordinance Sheet. Official journal for the Diocese of Speyer
  41. DNB: Oberhirtliches Ordinance Sheet for the Diocese of Speyer
  42. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical Official Gazette for the Diocese of Trier
  43. ^ DNB: Church official gazette for the diocese of Trier
  44. ^ DBN: Würzburger Diözesanblatt
  45. ^ DNB: Ordinance sheet of the Catholic military bishop for the German Federal Armed Forces
  46. DNB: Linzer Diözesanblatt
  47. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical gazette for the diocese of Metz
  48. DNB: Official Church Gazette of the Catholic Diocese of Old Catholics in Germany
  49. DNB: Official Journal. Evangelical Church of Anhalt
  50. ^ DNB: Official and Ordinance Gazette of the Evangelical Church of Anhalt
  51. ^ DNB: Law and Ordinance Gazette of the Evangelical Regional Church in Baden DNB: Law and Ordinance Gazette of the Evangelical Regional Church in Baden
  52. DNB: Law and Ordinance Gazette for the United Evangelical Protestant Church in Baden
  53. DNB: Official Journal for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria
  54. ^ DNB: Official Gazette for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria on the right of the Rhine
  55. ^ DNB: Official Journal for the Protestant Church in Bavaria on the right of the Rhine
  56. DNB: Official Journal for the Protestant Church of the Kingdom of Bavaria on the right of the Rhine, sub-title Official Journal for the Protestant Church in the Kingdom of Bavaria on the right of the Rhine
  57. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical gazette of the Evangelical Church in Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper Lusatia
  58. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical gazette of the Evangelical Church in Berlin-Brandenburg
  59. DNB: Official Journal. Evangelical Church of the Silesian Upper Lusatia
  60. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical gazette of the ecclesiastical province of Mark Brandenburg
  61. ^ DNB: State Church Official Gazette. Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church in Braunschweig
  62. ^ DNB: Regional Church Official Gazette of the Braunschweig Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church
  63. ^ DNB: Laws, ordinances and notices. Bremen Evangelical Church
  64. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical gazette for the Evangelical Lutheran regional church of Hanover
  65. ^ DNB: Official Journal of the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau
  66. ^ DNB: Official notices of the Evangelical Church in Kurhessen-Waldeck
  67. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical Official Gazette of the Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church of Mecklenburg
  68. ^ DNB: Church Official Gazette for Mecklenburg
  69. ^ DNB: Mecklenburg-Strelitzer ecclesiastical gazette
  70. DNB: Church Official Gazette for Mecklenburg-Schwerin
  71. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical gazette of the Memel area
  72. DNB: Official Journal of the Evangelical Church in Central Germany
  73. DNB: Official Journal of the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Central Germany
  74. ^ DNB: Official Gazette of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thuringia
  75. ^ DNB: Official Journal of the Evangelical Church of the Church Province of Saxony
  76. DNB: The Church Official Gazette of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany
  77. DNB: Law and Ordinance Gazette of the North Elbian Evangelical Lutheran Church
  78. DNB: Church Law and Ordinance Gazette of the Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church of Schleswig-Holstein
  79. ^ DNB: Law and Ordinance Gazette of the Evangelical Reformed Church
  80. ^ DNB: Law and Ordinance Gazette of the Evangelical Reformed Church
  81. DNB: Law and Ordinance Gazette of the Evangelical Reformed Church in Northwest Germany
  82. ^ DNB: Church Law and Ordinance Gazette for the Evangelical Reformed Church in Northwest Germany
  83. DNB: Law and Ordinance Gazette for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Oldenburg , 1849 to 1945
  84. DNB: Law and Ordinance Gazette for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Oldenburg , since 1945
  85. DNB: Official Gazette of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate (Protestant Church)
  86. DNB: Official Journal of the United Protestant-Evangelical-Christian Church of the Palatinate (Palatinate State Church)
  87. ^ DNB: Official Gazette of the Pomeranian Evangelical Church
  88. ^ DNB: Official Gazette of the Evangelical Church in Greifswald
  89. ^ DNB: Official Journal of the Evangelical Consistory in Greifswald
  90. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical gazette of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland
  91. DNB: Ecclesiastical gazette for the Evangelical Lutheran regional church Schaumburg-Lippe
  92. DNB: Church Law and Ordinance Gazette of the Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church of Schleswig-Holstein
  93. ^ DNB: Ecclesiastical gazette of the Evangelical Church of Westphalia
  94. DNB: Official Gazette of the Evangelical Church in Württemberg
  95. DNB: Official Journal of the Württemberg Evangelical Consistory and Synodus