In the gorges of the Balkans (open-air play)

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Title: In the gorges of the Balkans
Genus: Outdoor play
Original language: German
Author: Wulf Leisner ,
Roland Schmid
Literary source: Motifs from the May novels: In the gorges of the Balkans and Der Schut
Publishing year: 1956
Premiere: 4th August 1956
Place of premiere: Kalkberg Stadium , Bad Segeberg
Director of the premiere Wulf Leisner
  • Hans Joachim Kilburger: Kara Ben Nemsi
  • Aloys Kuttin: Halef
  • Gerhard Hönisch: Sir David Lindsay
  • Herbert Asmis: Selim
  • Lutz Schwiers : the Schut
  • Hans Doerry: Mübarek
  • Hans Kirchner: Scharka
  • Siegfried Munz: Sandar
  • Georg Pfeifer: Bybar
  • Erich Heinrich: Deselim
  • Wolf Riel: Iktala
  • Volkmar Eckard: Slatina
  • Rosemarie Schinck: Güsela
  • Kurt Müller-Wendolin: Tschurak
  • Lisa Büker: Marina
  • Herbert G. Doberauer: Muchtar von Kolastschin
  • Hanna Böng: Tschileka
  • Enno Schnell: Malondschi
  • Hans Günther: Ali

In the Gorges of the Balkans is a play for open-air stages by Wulf Leisner and Roland Schmid based on Karl May 's novel of the same name , whichpremieredin Bad Segeberg in1956.


1st episode - The men from the mountains

The Schut, masked and assisted by St. Mübarek and the Aladschys, unites the tribes near the Black Drin in Albania against the infidel Chaldani. Tolken Princess Güsela gives the Schut a holy sword. Chaldani Princess Marina is about to die - but Kara Ben Nemsi and Hajji Halef Omar , who followed in the footsteps, save her. Güsela's brother Tschurak attacks Kara and dies in the crowd from his own bullet. Vow of blood revenge.

2nd episode - The winged bulls

Instead of the promised winged bull, Lord Lindsay only gets old tin cans unearthed by the piaster- greedy trio, for which he refuses to pay. The Muchtar of Kolastschin must come. Lindsay, Kara and Halef are to be bastoned ...

3rd episode - The Schluchthütte

The Mübarek, disguised as the beggar Busra, and the charcoal burner Scharka want to play assaulted people and Kara and Halef want to lead the Aladschys to the guns on the traitor's rock. - Kara sees through that. Thanks to Halef, he ropes down using a turban cloth and pulls the rifles through the window of the villains. Seated on an allegedly ignited powder keg, they confess. Kara and Halef want to catch up with Lindsay, who was left behind at the old mother's tower. - There comes Lindsay and frees and gives presents to the "attacked". Enlightened by Kara, he gives the horse the spurs - it goes through. Kara wants to go to the traitor's rock from behind, Halef is supposed to catch Lindsay. - Güsela attacks Kara, is defeated, is given life, gives up blood revenge, gives Kara her throwing ax, warns of the Schut's vengeance and wishes good luck.

4th episode - The Traitor's Rock

Güsela discovers the Aladschys, refuses to help and is shot from behind. Kara falls Bybar off the rock, Sandar flees. The Mübarek and the tribal warriors come. Kara exposes Mübarek as Busra. Suddenly Kara Nirwan comes and invites Kara - but betrays herself by the holy Tolken sword on her belt. Kara and the Schut fight on the bridge. The Mübarek detonates an explosive charge. Halef tears Kara away just in time. Peace, onward journey with Lord Lindsay.


In Bad Segeberg

  • 1956
  • 1960
  • 1968
  • 1972

In Elspe

  • 1960
  • 1969


  • Entry in the Karl May Wiki about the play
  • Entry in the Karl May Wiki for the premiere

Text books

  • Wulf Leisner , Roland Schmid : In the gorges of the Balkans. An open-air play based on motifs by Karl May , 1956/1960.
  • Wulf Leisner: In the gorges of the Balkans. An open-air play based on motifs by Karl May , Hamburg-Langenhorn: sales office and publisher of German stage writers and stage composers no year (1968/1972)


  • Nicolas Finke: Orient & Balkan on the stage - example Bad Segeberg: A historical picture arch 1955–1978 . In: Karl May & Co. No. 90/2002, pp. 40-42.
  • Reinhard Marheinecke , Nicolas Finke, Torsten Greis, Regina Arentz: Karl May am Kalkberg. History and stories of the Karl May Games Bad Segeberg since 1952 , Bamberg / Radebeul: Karl May Verlag 1999, p. 44 ff.
  • Peter Zastrow, Hans-Werner Baurycza: A city plays Indians. From the early years of the Karl May Festival in Bad Segeberg . In: Segeberger Blätter Volume 2, 2011.

Individual evidence

  8. ^ The joint text book by Leisner and Schmid cannot be found at the moment; Notes on this from Marheinecke u. a .: Karl May am Kalkberg ... , 1999, p. 44 and p. 60.