Frederik Hendrik Kaemmerer

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Frederik Hendrik Kaemmerer
Lady in red dress

Frederik Hendrik Kaemmerer (born October 23, 1839 in The Hague , † April 4, 1902 in Paris ) was a Dutch genre , portrait and landscape painter .


Frederik Hendrik Kaemmerer studied at the Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten in The Hague as a student of Salomon Leonardus Verveer. His early works consist mainly of landscapes in the style of the early Hague School . He regularly visited the artists' colony in the village of Oosterbeek in the municipality of Renkum in the province of Gelderland . In 1861 he had his first exhibition in Rotterdam .

In 1865, Kaemmerer moved to Paris, attracted by the artistic innovations that took place there. However, he studied at the Académie des Beaux-Arts with Jean-Léon Gérôme and began to paint salon pictures in Rococo costumes in an academic style . In 1870 he exhibited for the first time in the Paris Salon ; In 1874 he won a medal.

Kaemmerer set up a studio in Paris, but traveled regularly to The Hague. As a portrait painter he was successful in Paris. In spring 1871 he returned to the Netherlands with his friend Adolph Artz and moved to the Hotel Zeerust in Scheveningen . The move brought his transition to the style of impressionism . He devoted himself again to the open air - landscape painting . Kaemmerer's impressionistic works were successful with both audiences and critics. At the World Exhibition in Paris in 1889 he won a silver medal. In 1902 he was accepted into the Legion of Honor .

In the 1890s he worked for the Elsevier- Verlag magazine. The story An Illusion by the Dutch writer Louis Couperus, illustrated by Kaemmerer, was published in 1891 .

Kaemmerer died by suicide in his Paris studio at 95, rue de Vaugirard .


  • J. Bernac: Frederic Henri Kaemmerer. In: The Art Journal, 1894, pp. 161-165.
  • Obituary: Frédéric Henri Kaemmerer. In: la Chronique des arts et de la curiosité, 1902, p. 119.
  • J. Knoef: FH Kaemmerer 1839-1902. In: Van Romantiek tot Realisme. A bundle of art historical sites. Amsterdam 1947, pp. 149-159.
  • Kaemmerer, Frederik Hendrik . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 19 : Ingouville – Kauffungen . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1926.
  • Jeannette Versteegh (ed.): FH Kaemmerer 1839–1902: brieven van 'oom Frits' (aan zijn vader en zuster Betje). Oosterbeek 2001.


Web links

Commons : Frederik Hendrik Kaemmerer  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files