Ina Paul

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Ina Paul (born December 16, 1935 in Berlin ) is a German dramaturge , writer and poet .


Ina Paul studied dramaturgy from 1955 to 1959 at the German Academy for Film Art in Potsdam-Babelsberg . From 1959 to 1967 she worked as a dramaturge for GDR television , interrupted by a two-year stay in the north Vietnamese capital Hanoi , where she worked as a journalist for the local radio station. From 1967 she worked as a dramaturge in the DEFA Studio für Synchron , from 1971 to 1980 as chief dramaturge and from 1980 to 1990 as artistic director . Ina Paul lives in Berlin.

After Ina Paul had published a report on her stay in North Vietnam in 1968, she began writing novels, short stories, short stories, radio plays and poetry (sonnets) in the 1990s.



  • Mitlesebuch 24. Love Sonnets . Aphaia Verlag, Berlin 1996. Art. No. 524-1; 2nd edition 524-2.
  • Better a man than no misfortune at all . Novel. Verlag Volk & Welt, Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-353-01079-3 .
  • Better a man than no misfortune at all . Novel. Complete paperback edition, Verlag Droemer Knaur, Munich 1999, ISBN 3-426-65153-X .
  • Reading book 58. Sonnets . Aphaia Verlag, Berlin 2000. Art. No. 558-1; 2nd edition 558-2.
  • Up and away. Novel . Konkursbuch-Verlag, Tübingen 2004, ISBN 3-88769-701-4 .
  • Cloudy wetness in and around me. Erotic sonnets . Konkursbuch-Verlag, Tübingen 2006, ISBN 978-3-88769-355-8 .
  • Difficult love! 14 sonnets . Wohlleben Verlag, Hamburg 2007, ISBN 978-3-88159-068-6 (Meiendorfer prints; 57).
  • Back then in Hanoi in the year of the tiger. Three novels . Konkursbuch-Verlag, Tübingen 2009, ISBN 978-3-88769-383-1 . (1st title novella, 2nd return to Verona , 3rd Leipzig, even before the rooster has crowed three times .)
  • In free fall - 14 chapters from one life. Novel . Konkursbuch-Verlag, Tübingen 2014, ISBN 978-3-88769-791-4 . Also available as an e-book.
  • Reading book 139. Sonnets . Aphaia Publishing House. Berlin 2015. Art. No. 5139-1; 2nd edition 5139-2.

Radio plays

  • Over and over . Radio monologue. SFB (Sender Free Berlin) 1996.
  • I love you! Radio monologue. CD, One World Music 2002.


  • Despite the typhoon, the bamboo grows. Experienced in Vietnam . Brockhaus Verlag, Leipzig 1968 (co-author Herbert Landmann).

Web links

  • Paola Assom: Ina Paul, a voice of German literature on both sides of the Berlin Wall. Dissertation . Faculty of German Studies at the University of Turin, 2009. (Core of the work: translation and analysis of Ina Paul's radio monologue From and over .) - Ina Paul, una voce della letteratura tedesca al di là e al di qua del muro di Berlino .