Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus

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Classification according to ICD-10
Q82.5 Congenital non-neoplastic nevus
D23.- Other benign neoplasms of connective and other soft tissues
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)
Verrucous linear plaque after the lines of Blaschko above the right upper arm of a young girl

The inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus (ILVEN) is a form of an epidermal nevus with sharply demarcated , striped eczema- , lichen- or psoriasis-like papules .

Synonyms are: Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus

The first description comes from Paul Gerson Unna from 1894 (quoted from)


The frequency is not known. The female gender is affected more often in a ratio of 4 to 1. There is rarely an association with the epidermal nevus syndrome ; malignant degeneration is possible.

root cause

The disease is based on mutations in somatic cells (somatic mutation) in the form of a mosaic .

Clinical manifestations

Clinical criteria are:

  • Congenital or occurring in early childhood. Rarely first occurring in adulthood.
  • The left leg is often affected, but also the trunk and, less often, the face and neck .
  • itching
  • Sharply demarcated eczematous, lichenoid or psoriasiform papules following the Blaschko lines


The diagnosis is based on histology .


A causal treatment is not known, the disease is considered therapy-resistant .

Various therapeutic approaches have been described as successful: CO2 laser ablation , treatment with etanercept and calcipotriol .


  • M. Ruggieri and JL Sugarman: Inflammatory Linear Verrucous Epidermal Nevus (Ilven). In: M. Ruggieri, I. Pascual-Castroviejo, C. Di Rocco (editors): Neurocutaneous Disorders Phakomatoses and Hamartoneoplastic Syndromes. Springer, 2008, pp. 575-580.
  • R. Happle: Linear psoriasis and ILVEN: is lumping or splitting appropriate? In: Dermatology. Vol. 212, No. 2, 2006, pp. 101-102, doi: 10.1159 / 000090647 , PMID 16484813 .

Individual evidence

  1. Epidermal nevus, inflammatory linear verrucous. In: Orphanet (Rare Disease Database).
  2. a b c Encyclopedia Dermatology
  3. PG Unna: The histopathology of skin diseases. Hirschwald Verlag, Berlin, 1994
  4. a b c d J. Altman, AH Mehregan: Inflammatory linear verrucose epidermal nevus. In: Archives of dermatology. Vol. 104, No. 4, October 1971, pp. 385-389, PMID 5114412 .
  5. a b Rare Diseases
  6. R. Happle: epidermal nevus syndromes. In: Seminars in dermatology. Vol. 14, No. 2, June 1995, pp. 111-121, PMID 7640190 .
  7. S. Gianfaldoni, G. Tchernev, R. Gianfaldoni, U. Wollina, T. Lotti: A Case of "Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus" (ILVEN) Treated with CO2 laser ablation. In: Open access Macedonian journal of medical sciences. Vol. 5, No. 4, July 2017, pp. 454–457, doi: 10.3889 / oamjms.2017.078 , PMID 28785331 , PMC 5535656 (free full text).
  8. ^ R. Renner, A. Colsman, M. Sticherling: ILVEN: is it psoriasis? Debate based on successful treatment with etanercept. In: Acta dermato-venereologica. Vol. 88, No. 6, 2008, pp. 631-632, doi: 10.2340 / 00015555-0522 , PMID 19002357 .
  9. ^ I. Bohm, T. Bieber, R. Bauer: Successful therapy of an ILVEN in a 7-year-old girl with calcipotriol. In: The dermatologist; Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Allied Fields. Vol. 50, No. 11, November 1999, pp. 812-814, PMID 10591793 (review).