Information network

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Database providers ( specialist databases ), research institutions and libraries in a subject cooperate in an information network . The institutions build and operate a joint service for the provision of information and literature with electronic full texts (especially publisher texts , gray literature ).

From 2003 to 2011, the four major information networks are presented on the vascoda portal

  • GetInfo (science and technology)
  • infoconnex (education, social sciences, psychology)
  • EconDoc (economics and business practice, see EconBiz ) and
  • MedPilot (medicine)

as well as some virtual specialist libraries and the electronic journal library . The information networks had come together to form the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Informationsverbünde (AG-Inf), which was the forerunner and founding member of the portal.


In the military sector, the information network is a national or international, mostly automated network for the exchange of data, plans, commands and results (see also C4ISR ).

See also

Information network Berlin-Bonn

BSI IT-Grundschutz


  1. Welcome to infoconnex - the interdisciplinary information service for education, social sciences and psychology ( Memento from July 15, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  2. EconDoc
  3. MedPilot