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Until 2011, vascoda was the entry portal into the virtual specialist libraries and specialist portals of the academic libraries in Germany, which were organized in the non-profit association of the same name . As a research portal, it offered its users access to specialist information and scientific publications from almost all specialist areas .

The name is often associated with the medieval navigator and explorer Vasco da Gama , who navigates through the sea ​​of ​​information . In fact, this interpretation came about in retrospect, because the name vascoda was artificially formed by a name-finding agency .


The vascoda portal offered access to information and full texts from different specialist areas under a uniform user interface . The search could either be subject-specific or interdisciplinary . The use of modern search technologies both at vascoda and at the partners allowed a structured search in a large number of different databases such as specialist and article databases, library catalogs and internet sources. Detailed descriptions of the collection offered orientation about the offers integrated in vascoda and directed users to the high-quality, specialized portals of the vascoda partners.

The portal and the integrated specialist offers were set up and maintained by academic libraries and information facilities of supraregional importance. Therefore vascoda could on resource access, which for Internet search engines i. d. R. are invisible.

The portal could be used free of charge. In many cases, free access to electronic journal articles (e.g. via the Electronic Journal Library EZB) and other full texts (e.g. Open Access documents, thematic websites or individual digital documents) was possible. Vascoda was also linked to the local record systems of German libraries and to document delivery services.

Vascoda was integrated into the international science portal WorldWideScience .

The technical operator of the portal was the University Library Center of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (hbz).


Vascoda was a registered association with up to 42 members, usually German libraries and specialist information institutions. The seat and office of vascoda eV were in Hanover. The aim of the association was the further development and operation of the interdisciplinary science portal and the support of the institutions involved in vascoda and their portals. At the beginning of November 2011 the members of vascoda eV decided to dissolve the association.

Specialist portals in vascoda

The following specialist portals and virtual specialist libraries were bundled in vascoda and integrated with some of their databases into the vascoda search (as of August 2010); they will be continued regardless of the inventory of the vascoda portal:

  • - Virtual specialist library of art history
  • b2i - book, library and information science
  • Cibera - Virtual Library Ibero-America / Spain / Portugal
  • - Information and knowledge platform chemistry
  • Chronicon story
  • Clio-online - history
  • CrossAsia - Virtual Specialized Library for East and Southeast Asia
  • EconBiz - Virtual Library for Economics
  • EVIFA - Virtual Library of Ethnology
  • Pedagogy specialist portal
  • GBI Genios
  • GEO-LEO - Virtual Library of Geosciences (Geo-Guide)
  • German Studies on the Net - Virtual Library of German Studies
  • GetInfo - natural sciences, technology (information network)
  • GREENPILOT - Virtual Library for Nutrition, Environment, Agriculture
  • ilissAfrica (internet library sub-saharan Africa) - Virtual specialist library sub-Saharan Africa
  • IREON - Portal for International Relations and Area Studies
  • MEDPILOT - Virtual Library for Medicine
  • MENALIB - Virtual Library for the Middle East and North Africa
  • NedGuide - Virtual Library of the Dutch Cultural Area
  • Propylaeum - Propylaeum Specialized Information Service Classical Studies
  • PSYNDEX - psychology
  • Savifa - Virtual Specialized Library South Asia
  • Slavistics Portal - Virtual Library of Slavic Studies
  • sowiport - specialist portal for social sciences
  • ViFaArt - Virtual Library of Contemporary Art
  • vifabio - Virtual Library of Biology
  • ViFaHolz - Virtual specialist library for wood technology
  • vifamath - Virtual Library of Mathematics
  • Virtual specialist library medien buehne film (ViFa medien buehne film) - Virtual specialist library for communication and media studies / journalism, theater and film studies
  • ViFaMusik - Virtual Library of Musicology
  • vifanord - Virtual Library for Northern Europe and the Baltic Sea Region
  • ViFaOst - Virtual Specialized Library for Eastern Europe
  • ViFaPharm - Virtual Library of Pharmacy
  • ViFaPhys - Virtual Library of Physics
  • ViFaPol - Virtual Library for Political Science
  • ViFaPsy - psychology
  • ViFa Recht - Virtual Law Library
  • ViFa Romanischer Kulturkreis - Virtual specialist library for Romanesque culture
  • ViFa Sport - Virtual Library of Sports Science
  • ViFaTec - Virtual Technical Library
  • ViFaVet - Virtual Library of Veterinary Medicine
  • Virtual Library of Theology and Religious Studies (VirTheo)
  • VLib AAC - Virtual Library for the Anglo-American Cultural Area

Projects in the vascoda context

In the context of vascoda, there were a number of projects and working groups on partial problems that were funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) or the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Various institutions were responsible for the projects. The following areas are mentioned as examples:

  • vascoda portal, functionality and operation
  • Metadata, standards and heterogeneity treatment
  • Coordination, marketing, quality control
  • Content: rights licenses and business models
  • Overarching structures and tasks
  • Distributed authentication, authorization and rights management
  • Modeling and heterogeneity treatment


In May 2010 it was first announced that the portal was planning a realignment. Vascoda will "be replaced as a research portal in the short to medium term". The development of the research portal was "in fact discontinued". As part of the “vascoda 2010” project, which was funded by the German Research Foundation, all member institutions were specifically questioned in the course of the realignment. The purpose of Vascoda from now on is "the coordination, strategic support and marketing for networking and the exchange of knowledge among the specialist portals involved". The provision of the research portal and international cooperation would therefore not be pursued any further. On January 11, 2011, the discontinuation of the Vascoda portal was announced. A search in the Vascoda search area has not been possible since then. The service was discontinued on January 14, 2011.

In June 2011, the general meeting decided to dissolve the vascoda association by the end of the year. Further cooperation should take place within the framework of the special collection areas . The formal resolution was passed at the general meeting on November 4th, 2011.

The vascoda blog last operated by vascoda eV was frozen at the end of 2011 and is used to document vascoda activities. With the expansion of the wiki-based information system Webis - collection focus at German libraries to include a weblog, a new information and exchange platform for the specialist portals, virtual specialist libraries and special collection area libraries was created, which took over the function of the vascoda blog from mid-January 2012 .


  • vascoda - the interdisciplinary internet portal for scientific information. 10 questions from Bruno Bauer to Uwe Rosemann, Director of the Technical Information Library in Hanover and spokesman for the vascoda project . In: Medicine - Library - Information 2005; 5 (3): 11–14 ( online version )
  • Jens E. Wolff, Thomas Oerder: The vascoda portal - barrier-free research in scientific specialist information. (Proceeding from the 95th German Librarians' Day, Dresden 2006). ( Online version PDF file, 934 KB )
  • Philipp Mayr , Anne-Kathrin Walter: On the status of heterogeneity treatment in vascoda: inventory and outlook. , In: Bibliothek & Information Deutschland (Ed.): 3rd Leipzig Congress for Information and Libraries, 19. – 22. March 2007. Leipzig: Dinges & Frick publishing house. Preprint pdf (176Kb)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Interview with Uwe Rosemann, former spokesman for the vascoda project (pdf; 100 kB) medicine-library information, Vol. 5 (3), September 2005
  2. Distributed authentication, authorization and rights management (AAR) . (Accessed March 12, 2009)
  3. Archived copy ( Memento of the original from September 22, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Competence Center Modeling and Heterogeneity Treatment (KoMoHe) . (Accessed August 5, 2009)
  4. Michael Hohlfeld: vascoda plans realignment , vascoda blog, May 21, 2010, accessed on October 5, 2010.
  5. Michael Hohlfeld: The vascoda portal goes offline , vascoda blog, January 11, 2011, accessed on January 11, 2011.
  6. Michael Hohlfeld: vascoda portal offline , vascoda blog, January 14, 2011, accessed on January 14, 2011.
  7. Michael Hohlfeld: Side note: The vascoda eV will dissolve - what's next? . In: Vascoda blog. June 10, 2011. Retrieved June 10, 2011.
  8. ^ Michael Hohlfeld: Message from the board of directors on the dissolution of vascoda eV . In: vascoda blog. December 8, 2011. Retrieved December 8, 2011.
  9. webis blog . Retrieved February 2, 2012.