Virtual library of sports science

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The Virtual Sports Science Library (ViFa Sport) is to become a specialist portal for searching information on sports science on the Internet .

After the ViFa Sport has been set up, it should be possible to access the data via its own Internet address.

A limited selection of sports science information stocks should be brought together in a freely accessible website and queried at the same time using a search query. In addition, the aim is to offer direct access to all media on offer by linking digital full texts, the option of online interlibrary loan and electronic document delivery. The aim is to expand and improve the supraregional supply of literature with conventional and digital information sources.

The following core stocks are to be integrated into ViFa Sport:

The Virtual Sports Science Library is set up by five organizations: the Central Sports Science Library as the lead organization, the Federal Institute for Sports Science, the Institute for Applied Training Science, the German Association for Sports Science and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation library. The establishment of the Virtual Sports Science Library is being financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) until January 2008 over a period of two years. ViFA Sport is hosted by the University Library Center NRW (hbz).


The virtual specialist library currently still has deficits. So z. B. Hits of the searched databases are shown separately, duplicate hits are not filtered out of the searched databases (duplicate filter). The desired "ease of use" is also still inadequate; for example, the website is not accessible.


  • J. Johannsen: The Virtual Library of Sports Science. ( Memento of June 7, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) In: M. Stempfhuber (Hrsg.): Publishing in the future: Challenges to publishing and the supply of information in the sciences. 11th congress of the IuK-Initiative of the scientific societies in Germany. (= Information Center for Social Sciences. Conference Reports Volume 11). Information Center for Social Sciences, Bonn 2006, ISBN 3-8206-0150-3 , pp. 157–170.

Web links

  • ViFa: Sport - Virtual Library of Sports Science
  • Central Sports Science Library The Central Sports Science Library of the German Sport University Cologne is the world's largest special sports science library
  • Databases Database portal of the Institute for Applied Training Science Leipzig with the training science database of internet sources, SPONET, the literature database SPOWIS, the full text database of the journal "Theory and Practice Competitive Sport" and various factographic databases of sports results.
  • BISp databases Research platform for the literature database SPOLIT, the research database SPOFOR and the sports media database SPOMEDIA of the Federal Institute for Sports Science (BISp).
  • Portal for sports science with vertical meta search engines for news and job market, event calendar, film database and web directory.