Inge Hofmann

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Inge Hofmann (born January 9, 1939 in Essen ; † 2016 ) was a German Africanist.


After her doctorate in 1967 in Hamburg and her habilitation in African studies in 1973, she taught from 1973 to 1979 as a private lecturer in African languages ​​and cultures. Since 1975 she has been a lecturer in religious studies; since 1978 lecturer in African studies at the University of Vienna . Since 1983 she has taught there as an associate professor for African studies.

Fonts (selection)

  • Ways and possibilities of an Indian influence on the Meroitic culture . Sankt Augustin 1975, ISBN 3-921389-15-1 .
  • Contributions to the Meroitic Chronology . Sankt Augustin 1978, ISBN 3-921389-80-1 .
  • The Sudan as an Egyptian colony in ancient times . Vienna 1979, OCLC 6817406 .
  • Hare, guinea fowl and hyena - traces of Meroitic oral literature. A contribution to the African component of Meroitic culture . Vienna 1988, OCLC 180450740 .