Transparent Science Initiative

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The Transparent Science Initiative , formerly AntiPlag Austria , is an Austrian plagiarism hunter initiative that was founded on March 6, 2011 by Gerhard Fröhlich , a professor at the University of Linz , and the media scientist and publicist Stefan Weber .

Goal setting

According to its own statement, "[the initiative] deals with the hitherto often questionable handling of allegations of scientific misconduct , in particular plagiarism and data falsification " within Austria , but also beyond.


The page is in Wikiform at the platform Wikia in order to "stimulate an international debate about the use of collaborative web platforms in dealing with questions of possible scientific misconduct". Accordingly, everyone can participate in the search for plagiarism and the discussion about it.


Anyone can propose investigations and participate in the investigations. The author's name is kept secret until there is solid suspicion.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c overview page of the Transparent Science Initiative
  2. Der Standard: Weber finds the decision "scientifically scandalous"