Initiative for better local transport

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The Initiative for Better Local Transport ( IfbN ) was a citizens' initiative that started in 1982 to improve local public transport in the East Westphalian city ​​of Bielefeld and the surrounding region of East Westphalia-Lippe . In 1987 the initiative received the Bielefeld City Environment Prize for its work.


The IfbN was founded in Bielefeld in 1982. The trigger for the citizens' initiative was the closure of tram line 1 in Alfred-Bozi- Strasse as part of the new Bielefeld Stadtbahn . As a result, the members had a lasting influence on local transport concepts in the Ostwestfalen-Lippe area . The initiative could not prevent the construction of the Stadtbahn tunnel in Bielefeld, but a constructive collaboration with Bielefelder Stadtwerke - later moBiel - took place. The course of line 4 (university line) goes back to suggestions of the IfbN, likewise the color coding of the Bielefeld light rail lines practiced today was a suggestion of the initiative.

IfbN has had a lasting impact on the development of modern regional public transport . In a concept for a regional train Ostwestfalen-Lippe (ROL), which was presented at a local transport congress in Bielefeld, the initiative anticipated numerous concepts that were later implemented. The members campaigned for the preservation of the “Haller Willem”, as the Osnabrück – Brackwede railway is also called. To this end, they founded the “Initiative Haller Willem” in 1991 with other activists. With success, since 2006 trains have been running there again.

They also worked closely with the community of interests 105 , which campaigned for the maintenance of the Bassum – Herford railway line and thus the direct connection between the cities of Bremen and Bielefeld.

Components of the ROL concept included the use of modern local railcars (type Bombardier Talent ), modern elevated platforms, regular timetable (every hour if possible), late-night traffic, attractive names of the regional railway lines (based on the model of the long-distance trains of that time), modern signal boxes . Numerous components were ultimately implemented nationwide.

Effect of the initiative for better local transport

The initiative for better local transport was the pioneer who influenced the development of modern regional public transport . While the government offices were more likely to think of oversized road construction, a knowledgeable audience gathered here, campaigning for local transport in all forms. The initiative was involved in the reopening and expansion of the tram network in Bielefeld. In a concept for a regional train Ostwestfalen-Lippe (ROL), which was presented at a local transport congress in Bielefeld, the initiative anticipated numerous concepts that were later implemented.


In recognition of its work, IfbN received the Bielefeld City Environment Prize in 1987 . Eckehard Frenz, member of the initiative, received recognition from Federal President Roman Herzog for his civic commitment at a New Year's reception.


  • Initiative for better local transport: conception for a regional train Ostwestfalen-Lippe . Bielefeld 1987, p. 90 .
  • Initiative for better local traffic: Evening traffic in the big city: Use of trains, buses and shared taxi in Bielefeld . Bielefeld 1988, p. 57 .


  • Obituary Eckehard Frenz (PDF; 110 kB) published by the district parliamentary group of the Greens in Gütersloh 2012
  • Michael Dresbach says goodbye to the OWL transport association ( Memento from March 11, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  • Uli Burmeister, IfbN: Regional train: rails between city u. Country. Art d'Ameublement, Bielefeld 1989, without ISBN.
  • Uli Burmeister, IfbN: Concept for a regional train from Ostwestfalen-Lippe. Initiative for better local transport, Bielefeld 1987, without ISBN.
  • Frenz, Eckehard: Alternative planning: tram line 4 in Bielefeld. In: traffic signs. Volume 3, issue 1/1987, ISSN  0179-535X , pp. 20–24
  • Frenz, Eckehard: Rails between town and country - a report from the local traffic day '88. In: traffic signs. Volume 4, issue 4/1988, ISSN  0179-535X , pp. 24-29

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Climate and Environmental Protection Prize of the City of Bielefeld Homepage of the City of Bielefeld, accessed on March 6, 2012
  2. Local transport is being rediscovered Homepage of Pro Bielefeld, accessed March 6, 2012
  3. ^ Frenz, Eckehard: Food for thought - local transport initiative received Bielefeld environmental award. In: traffic signs. Volume 3, Issue 4/1987, ISSN  0179-535X , pp. 32–34
  4. ^ Green district parliamentary group: Obituary for Eckehard Frenz (PDF; 110 kB) accessed on March 6, 2012