Domestic politics

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As domestic policy decisions, legislation, programs and the actual actions of a State are designated by a government apply to the country's internal affairs. It is basically the opposite of foreign policy, which includes the political activities of a state vis-à-vis other countries. In fact, the areas also overlap. The fight against crime is increasingly being coordinated on a multinational basis ( e.g. Interpol ). Since the term domestic policy can encompass different areas, the term domestic policy is handled very differently internationally. Traditionally, domestic policy in the broader sense can include the following sub-areas: education policy , energy policy , health policy , internal security , tax policy , social policy , rights and obligations of the individual citizen, etc.

  • In Switzerland , domestic policy is handled by the Federal Department of Home Affairs . He is subordinate to various federal offices that are responsible for old-age and survivors' insurance , research and education, cultural promotion, family policy, equality between women and men, equality for people with disabilities, combating racism, statistics, archiving and weather forecasts.
  • In Anglo-Saxon countries such as the United States domestic politics is ( Engl . Domestic policy ) referred to as a comprehensive term for all political activities within a state.
