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Inpy in hieroglyphics
i n
i i

Official title
m & r rw i i t

Head of the gate guard

Inpy was a high ancient Egyptian official with the official title of head of the gate guard , who under Sesostris II. And Sesostris III. officiated. He is best known for his monumental tomb in Lahun .

Inpy held various titles such as member of the elite , foremost in action , royal sealer, and head of all the king's labors across the country . In Lahun he had a monumental tomb, which consisted of a rock tomb with three cult niches and a mastaba on a hill above. The burial chamber was below the mastaba. The rock grave was once decorated with reliefs, of which, however, only fragments were found, which at least have the title of Inpy. Inpy also appears on a stele where he and the treasurer are named Iychernofret . The latter official dates from under Sesostris III., With which it can be assumed that Inpy was in office until his reign.


  • Detlef Franke : Personal data from the Middle Kingdom (20th - 16th century BC) Dossiers 1 - 796 (= Ägyptologische Abhandlungen. Vol. 41). Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1984, ISBN 3-447-02484-4 , No. 155,