Detlef Franke

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Detlef Franke (born November 24, 1952 in Lüneburg ; † September 2, 2007 ) was a German Egyptologist .

Detlef Franke received his doctorate in 1983 at the University of Hamburg with the thesis Ancient Egyptian kinship terms in the Middle Kingdom . The habilitation followed in 1994 with the work The Sanctuary of Heqaib on Elephantine. History of a provincial shrine in the Middle Kingdom at the University of Heidelberg , where he then taught as a private lecturer until his death . Franke did research mainly on the Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt . His last project was the compilation of a catalog of the stelae of the Middle Kingdom in the British Museum .

Fonts (selection)

  • Ancient Egyptian kinship names in the Middle Kingdom (= Hamburg Egyptological Studies. H. 3). Borg, Hamburg 1983, ISBN 3-921598-13-3 (also: Hamburg, University, dissertation, 1983).
  • The sanctuary of Heqaib on Elephantine. History of a provincial shrine in the Middle Kingdom (= studies on the archeology and history of ancient Egypt. Vol. 9). Heidelberger Orientverlag, Heidelberg 1994, ISBN 3-927552-17-8 (also: Heidelberg, Universität, habilitation thesis, 1991).
  • Personal data from the Middle Kingdom. (20th - 16th century BC). Dossiers 1–796 (= Egyptological treatises. Vol. 41). Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1984, ISBN 3-447-02484-4 .
  • Thebes and Memphis - metropolises in Egypt. In: Michael Jansen , Bernd Roeck (Hrsg.): Origin and development of metropolises (= publications of the interdisciplinary working group Urban Culture Research (VIAS). Vol. 4). Association of Friends of Reiff, Aachen 2002, ISBN 3-936971-16-1 , pp. 7–20 ( PDF file ).
  • Egyptian Stelae in the British Museum from the 13th – 17th Dynasties. Volume I, Fascicule 1: Descriptions. Edited by Marcel Marée. British Museum Publications, London 2013, ISBN 978-0-7141-1987-8 .


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