Inscription from Pasinler

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Inscription from Pasinler (Urartu)

The inscription Pasinler is an Urartian inscription that now in the Istanbul Museum is located. The stone is slightly damaged at the top and bottom.

The inscription is about the building of a fortress by the Urartian king Menua :

"" Ḫaldi the mighty, Menua, son of Išpuini , built this mighty fortress (É.GAL). For Ḫaldi the great, Menua, son of Išpuini, lord of the whole, great king , king of the land of Biainili , ruler of the city of Tušpa . " "

Hasankale , the fortification on the Pasinler Castle Hill , probably has a Urartian predecessor. Paul Zimanski assumes that it was built to control the region after defeating Diaueḫe , while Sagona wants to locate this fortress in Kayalık Tepe near Uzunahmet .

The inscription was depicted as early as 1835 by the French traveler Félicien de Saulcy .


  • Н. В. Арутюнян, Корпус уратсқих қлинообразных надписеӣ. Ереван, Гитутюн 2001, no.86.
  • Friedrich König, Handbook of Chaldic Inscriptions 44 (A, T, P). Graz 1957.
  • Г. А. Меликишвили, Урартские клинообразные надписи. Москва: Издательство АН СССР, 1960, No. 69.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Paul E. Zimansky, Ecology and Empire: the structure of the Urartaian state. Chicago 1985, 25
  2. ^ Antonio Sagona / Claudia Sagona, Archeology at the North-East Anatolian frontier, I. A historical geography and a field survey of the Bayburt province Ancient Near Eastern Studies 14, Louvain Peeters 2004, 41
  3. ^ F. Saulcy, Voyage near the Mer Morte. Atlas, Paris 1853, plate 2

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