Institute for Education Management

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The Institute for Pedagogy Management (IfPM) is an educational institution for study and further training offers in the field of social affairs, child and youth welfare based in Bad Dürrheim . The institute operates in the Schwarzwald-Baar district and in the Stuttgart area with its study and educational programs . The institute was founded in 2008 on the basis of a cooperation agreement between the youth welfare organization Off Road Kids Stiftung and Steinbeis University Berlin(SHB) and since then has offered part-time Bachelor and Master courses as well as seminars and advanced training events. Since 2016 the IfPM has been organizing the Stuttgart Competence Day for Education and Management in order to establish a platform for professional exchange between sponsors, universities and (future) managers.

Study offers in response to expansion programs for child and youth welfare

The IfPM has been offering the bachelor's program in Education Management since it was founded. With this, the institute is reacting to the needs of child and youth welfare and the increasing demands on well-qualified management and management staff. In particular, the area of ​​day care centers has been experiencing an expansion boom for years, with which the providers are responding to the demands of society, business and politics. Since 1996 there has been a legal right to a half-day kindergarten place for children from the age of three in Germany. On August 1, 2013, this legal entitlement to a day care center was extended to the age group from the age of one. Both quantitatively and qualitatively, the demands on educators and managers in child and youth welfare are increasing, and with it the need to establish academic study and training opportunities.

Graduates of the course learn a solid spectrum of content for modern daycare management and for comparable positions in social and educational management. Previous studies on the whereabouts and professional development of the graduates confirm the expectations of their very good career opportunities. Central elements of the course are the extra-occupational structure, the project- and practice-oriented course content (based on the SHB's project-competence-study approach) as well as the very liberal admission rules under Berlin university law, which also include admission with secondary school leaving certificate, completed vocational training and several years of professional experience allow. For this innovative study concept, the IfPM was honored in 2009 as a “Selected Location” of the “Germany - Land of Ideas” initiative. Since 2012, the IfPM has offered a part-time master’s degree in Social, Healthcare and Educational Management with similar structures.

Support and promotion

The patron of the establishment and expansion phase of the IfPM was Annette Schavan , Federal Minister of Education 2005 to 2013, who described the concept as groundbreaking: “Educators need perspectives. You must have opportunities to develop yourself further and to start studying. To do this, we need new ways of studying part-time, like the IfPM is doing. ”The establishment and operation of the institute are supported by the Vodafone Foundation and Permira Beteiligungsgesellschaft .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See Portrait of the course and its practice-oriented study concept in: SWR1 Arbeit: Überforderte Erzieherinnen, November 7, 2015
  2. See Portrait of the IfPM graduate in Christoph Wöhrle: Alles auf Anfang, UniSpiegel 6/2012
  3. See archive link ( memento of the original from December 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. BBA for Pedagogy Management - New Learning Opportunities for Educators, March 5, 2009 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. See;art372541,3324959 Südkurier: Schavan congratulates the university, in: Südkurier, July 19, 2008