Instituto Internacional de Neurociências de Natal

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Building of the IINN-ELS in Natal

The Instituto Internacional de Neurociências de Natal - Edmond e Lily Safra (IINN-ELS; German  International Institute for Neuroscience of Natal ) is a research institute in Macaíba in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte with a branch in Natal . The main focus of the institute is in the field of neurosciences . It was founded by Miguel Nicolelis , Sidarta Ribeiro, and Claudio Mello, all scientists who achieved renown in the United States. The IINN-ELS has set itself the task of establishing Brazil - especially the structurally weak region in the north-east of the country - as a research location. The institute is funded by federal funds and a foundation and cooperates with the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte .

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