International Association for Sustainable Aviation

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International Association for Sustainable Aviation
The logo of the non-profit association IASA eV
purpose The IASA sees itself as an ideal institution for promoting sustainability in air traffic (Sustainable Aviation).
Chair: Rudolf (Rolf) Dörpinghaus, Michael Wühle
Establishment date: November 13, 2013
Seat : Bonn, House of Aviation, Godesberger Allee 70

The International Association for Sustainable Aviation (IASA eV) is a German non-governmental organization (NGO) at the international level in the legal form of a registered, non-profit association. The seat of the IASA eV is Bonn. The International Association for Sustainable Aviation takes a holistic approach to improving sustainability in aviation. It is entered in the public list of the registration of associations and their representatives in the Bundestag. The association is accredited by the European Commission in the field of research and innovation.


The International Association for Sustainable Aviation was founded on November 13, 2013 in the Haus der Luftfahrt in Bonn. The IASA eV is entered in the register of associations at the Bonn District Court under the number VR 9780. The non-profit status was granted on April 25, 2014.

The board has been formed by its two founding fathers Rudolf (Rolf) Dörpinghaus (chairman) and Michael Wühle. The International Association for Sustainable Aviation (IASA eV) has now developed into an aviation association to which, in addition to personal members, numerous companies, associations and clubs from the aviation industry belong.


The members of the International Association for Sustainable Aviation are convinced that the comprehensive sustainability method is the key to sustainable aviation that is economically stable, minimizes the negative impact on the environment and is a social role model for its stakeholders.

IASA contributes to the objectification of the public discussion by providing relevant and professional information. The focus should be on holistic efforts to improve sustainability in air traffic, since sustainable air traffic without sustainable aircraft, without sustainable infrastructure and without sustainable methods on the ground and in the air is not feasible. IASA promotes constructive cooperation between all those involved in science, industry and the aviation industry, in politics, associations and the media through interdisciplinary, up-to-date and practical information and modern networking. The aviation association clarifies the achievements of aviation in the economic, ecological and social area, internally and externally.

Cooperation partner

IASA cooperates with the following foundations, institutes and associations, which, like the IASA, have committed themselves to the principle of sustainability and have become members of the IASA with their organization:

Tasks and projects

The participation in working groups of different federal ministries is a central element for the IASA eV in order to clarify its ideas and visions of sustainable aviation and to be able to participate creatively in strategies, guidelines and projects of the federal government. Since 2015, IASA has been acting as an aviation association on the state frameworks in the areas of aviation and sustainability, e.g. For example, with the Federal Government's Mobility and Fuel Strategy (MFS), with the law to strengthen non-financial reporting by companies in their management and group management reports (CSR Directive Implementation Act), or with the revision of the German Sustainability Strategy of 16 July 2016.

IASA Journal Informing the public about the possibilities and potentials of sustainable aviation is a central component of the association's activities. IASA publishes an online journal in German and English that is attracting increasing attention (IASA Journal).

Power-to-liquid The IASA is concerned since its inception with the issue of CO 2 low carbon or CO 2 neutral fuels for aviation, as the only way to achieve the climate goals of aviation. Since the development of electricity-based fuels based on renewable energies under the term Power-to-Liquid (PtL) is largely ready for the market ( Technology Readiness Level = 8–9 of 9), IASA advocates their timely use in international aviation. Since 2017, IASA has been working on a PtL impulse campaign on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency , which is expected to be completed by the end of 2018. The PtL impulse campaign is intended to point out the potential of electricity-based, synthetic fuels, to show possible paths of realization and to contribute to arouse public and political interest, as well as to encourage commercial implementation. This project is supported by the Federal Environment Agency (Germany) within the framework of association funding .

The power-to-liquid impulse campaign aims to:

  • aroused professional, public and political interest in previously neglected PtL solutions,
  • potential players in industry and aviation sensitized or activated, as well
  • Promising paths for the production of non-fossil fuels for air traffic using renewable energies are shown.

A PtL implementation project is currently being planned with the aim of demonstrating that synthetic fuels from renewable energies can also be produced in Germany efficiently, economically and in an environmentally friendly manner and that airlines will accept them.

Products and services

Certification Shortly after it was founded, it was clear to the board of the IASA that the goals of the association can only be achieved if the degree of sustainability of a company can be measured and thus continuously improved. That is why Michael Wühle developed a system for certifying the sustainability of organizations in 2014. The sustainability system . Now.® is based on ISO 26000 “Guidelines for Social Responsibility” and adopts recommendations that have been adapted for the assessment of an organization with regard to sustainability.

Reaches an organization through the sustainability system . Now.® a minimum standard, it receives the IASA seal of approval IASA Certified Sustainability® , which distinguishes sustainable companies and organizations.

On December 14, 2015, Allgäu-Airport was the first commercial airport to be awarded the IASA Certified Sustainability® seal of approval . The Memmingen Airport has made on the occasion of the certification sustainability a corporate goal.

Seminars and workshops IASA organizes seminars and workshops in the field of sustainability. These include:

  • Sustainability reporting according to GRI standards
  • The sustainable airport of the future
  • Training as a certified auditor for the sustainability certification system . Now.® and the IASA Certified Sustainability® seal of approval
  • Sustainability management
  • Sustainable business management
  • Sustainable supply chain

Conferences IASA holds conferences to move closer to its goal of sustainable aviation. Aviation experts will discuss the important milestones on the way to sustainable aviation. The Greener Skies Ahead conference series plays a central role here. The conference series was developed by Rudolf (Rolf) Dörpinghaus before the founding of the IASA and is now being continued at IASA eV. The last Greener Skies Ahead took place in the run-up to the world climate conference COP23 on October 26, 2017 in Bonn. The motto of the conference was "PtL Solutions for Sustainable Aviation". The contributions and presentations can be viewed and downloaded from the PtL download area on the IASA homepage.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Public list of the associations registered with the Bundestag , as of March 23, 2018 under number 1494.
  8. Statement by IASA eV on "non-financial reporting" of April 11, 2016, Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection - statements on draft bills Keyword search: CSR-RL, page 2 of 2
  9. Statement by IASA eV on the government draft of the German sustainability strategy
  10. Federal Environment Agency / Ludwig-Bölkow-Stiftung, Power-to-Liquids, Potentials and Perspectives for the Future Supply of Renewable Aviation Fuel , September 2016, page 7 "High technology readiness".