Franz Zajicek (watchmaker)

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Franz Zajicek (born October 25, 1828 , † October 30, 1900 ) was an Austrian master watchmaker.


Advertisement by watchmaker Franz Zajicek, 1882

Born in a small village in Bohemia , Zajicek was "recruited" as cheap labor for a Viennese leather goods manufacturer before he was ten years old by an agent traveling through the crown lands. At the age of 13 he began an apprenticeship as a watchmaker with Wenzel Rauch, who was then mayor of the Viennese suburb of Untermeidling . In 1855 he married the daughter of his former teacher. After the falling out with his father-in-law, he moved with his disinherited wife to Vienna-Gumpendorf and started his own business. From 1860 Zajicek received commissioned work in the imperial castle and was subsequently awarded the title of " court and chamber clockmaker ".

In around 10 years of activity in "his free time", Zajicek made an astronomical clock based on an artistic design by the architect Carl Scheffler (1838–1911). The watch was presented at the World Exhibition in 1873 and later bought by the monarchy. The art and splendor clock was extensively restored in 2002/2003 and is currently (2018) exhibited in the Vienna Clock Museum as one of the "gems".

Zajicek and his wife had 24 children. Of these, however, only four children survived the first few years of life. His eldest son, Carl Wenzel Zajicek , was a recognized watercolor painter.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Johann Werfring in Wiener Zeitung : You can make art, but not money! ; accessed on March 26, 2018
  2. a b Wiener Geschichtsblätter , Volume 58; Association for the History of the City of Vienna, 2003
  3. Österreich Journal of April 25, 2003: A magnificent watch gets its face back ;


  1. Lt. Viennese history sheets etc .; however, the Vienna Clock Museum gives 1902 as the year of death.