International Experience

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International Experience e. V. (iE) is a non-profit , globally active organization for stays abroad by students based in Lohmar , Germany .


International Experience places students from German schools in 16 countries. In addition to the student exchange, there is the possibility of a school trip around the world with an American or Canadian school leaving certificate. Destinations include Europe ( Ireland , Belgium , England , France , Italy , Spain , Switzerland , Iceland , Scotland ), Asia-Pacific ( Australia , New Zealand , China ), South America ( Argentina , Chile , Costa Rica ), North America ( USA , Canada ) and South Africa .


International Experience was founded as a non-profit organization in Lohmar in 2000 by the brothers Thomas and Kevin Gillner with an American partner. The family tradition served as a model: As a co-founder of the then Fulbright Society in Cologne, his father Manfred Gillner was one of the pioneers of school exchanges in Germany. The iE Honorary President was also a co-founder of the International Confederation of Principals (ICP) and a member of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). He worked as a teacher and headmaster in Germany and the USA. The Manfred Gillner Memorial Scholarship bears the name of the source of inspiration.

After it was founded, iE's work concentrated exclusively on the German-American market. Other exchange countries followed over time. Today the association mediates in 16 countries worldwide.


Partners are located in Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, China and Canada. There are independent iE organizations in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Spain and the USA, for example. In countries where International Experience does not have its own organizations, the association works with partner organizations and government agencies.


As a non-profit association, International Experience pursues the goal of international understanding by promoting intercultural exchange. Stays abroad by students are intended to promote understanding between cultures. The association works closely with the foreign host schools and host parents to promote the development of understanding for other cultures and mentalities, tolerance, flexibility, cultural openness and the deepening of foreign language skills.


International Experience took first place in the overall result for non-profit organizations in the market research study “Organizations for School Exchange” by the German Institute for Service Quality 2017 commissioned by n-tv . International Experience received an overall rating of 79.6 points and the quality rating “good”. The provider is "leading in terms of services". It continues: “Exchange students have numerous options to choose from; the base price for a one-year stay in the USA is comparatively cheapest and includes numerous insurance policies and a preparatory seminar lasting several days. The strongest service area is the telephone consultation, which is individual and understandable. "


The requirements for a student exchange depend on the destination country and the host school. In many exchange countries there is a minimum age of 14 years and a maximum age of 18 years. For private schools or boarding schools, however, the minimum age is 12 years. Foreign language skills also vary depending on the country. The association points out on its website that language tests required by the authorities have to be completed for some countries. In general, therefore, students who are interested in a student exchange should contact the association and clarify important questions in advance.


International Experience offers performance-based scholarships for your candidates. The performance can be in the academic or social field. In addition to the Manfred Gillner Memorial Scholarship, iE also awards the Global Citizenship Scholarship. IE provides limited financial assistance. Exchange students can also apply for BAföG abroad according to the Federal Training Assistance Act .

Web links


Individual evidence

  1. Manfred Gillner Scholarship. International Experience website. Retrieved June 10, 2018.
  2. ^ DISQ test. German Institute for Service Quality. Retrieved June 10, 2018.
  3. Requirements . International Experience website. Retrieved June 10, 2018.
  4. Scholarships . International Experience website. Retrieved June 10, 2018.