International Sustainability Conference

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The International Sustainability Conference is an international platform for the exchange on sustainability between researchers at universities and practitioners from companies and nonprofit organizations. The organizers are the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland and the University of Basel , the conference organizers are Professors Claus-Heinrich Daub (FHNW) and Paul Burger (University of Basel). The conference took place for the first time in 2005 in Basel / Switzerland and had the motto “Strategies for a Sustainable Society”. The main speakers were Gro Harlem Brundtland , Brian Barry and Konrad Ott . The second conference took place in 2008. Its motto was "Creating Values ​​for Sustainable Development". The main speakers were Dennis L. Meadows , Saskia Sassen , Alice Tepper Marlin and Klaus M. Leisinger . In August 2012, the third conference with around 200 participants from all over the world had the motto "Strategies for Sustainability: Institutional and Organizational Challenges". The main speakers were Anil Gupta , Christian Christensen , Jan Jonker and Bryan Norton .

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