Internationaler Studentenbund - student movement for supranational federation

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The International Student Union - Student Movement for Supranational Federation eV (ISSF) was a non-partisan political student association founded in 1948 as the German section of the International Student Movement for the United Nations (ISMUN) . Berthold Finkelstein was instrumental in founding the ISSF and became its chairman.

On the basis of the UN Charter for International Understanding and European Unification , adopted in 1945, the ISSF mainly organized lectures and discussions with prominent politicians, publicists and scientists. Initially, he cooperated closely with the Congress for Cultural Freedom . Well-known representatives of this cultural organization, which is mainly financed by the USA, were also on the honorary board of the ISSF, including Hermann Josef Abs , Walter Hallstein , Eugen Kogon , Ernst Reuter and Erich Lüth .

Occasionally the ISSF entered the AStA elections with its own candidates , and in 1958/59 participated in many places in student committees against nuclear armament .

Later, the ISSF was primarily involved in development aid and in 1960 played a leading role in the creation of the ASA program, which still exists today, for work and study stays in countries of the “Third World”. In 1964 the ISSF and other left student associations ( SDS , SHB , LSD ) concluded the so-called Supreme Agreement , which played a key role in the formation of the student movement of 1968/69 .

In the course of the politicization and polarization of the student body, the ISSF ceased its activities towards the end of the 1960s.

Between 1951 and 1964, the association issued the ISSF information. Magazine for international issues .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ISMUN website ( memento of October 30, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  2. ^ Berthold Finkelstein, the founder and first director of the Gustav Stresemann Institute, accessed on May 8, 2018
  3. Michael Hochgeschwender: Freedom on the offensive? The Congress for Cultural Freedom and the Germans , Munich 1998, ISBN 3-486-56341-6 , p. 378.
  4. Small Chronicle of the Free University of Berlin, entry May 8, 1958
  5. (today sponsored by the German Society for International Cooperation )