International Day of Nonviolence

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The International Day of Non-Violence (English: International day of non-violence ) is held annually on October 2 committed.


The day of remembrance was decided by the General Assembly of the United Nations on June 15, 2007 in resolution A / RES / 61/271.

The day was chosen because Mahatma Gandhi , the leader of the Indian independence movement , who made non-violence and non-violent resistance or civil disobedience a principle in political disputes, was born on October 2, 1869.

Indian Foreign Minister Anand Sharma, who introduced the resolution to the General Assembly, said the idea of ​​introducing Remembrance Day came about at a conference held in New Delhi in January 2007 that looked at Gandhi's thinking in the 21st century had ( Peace, Non-Violence and Empowerment - Gandhian Philosophy in the 21st Century ).

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Individual evidence

  1. United Nations General Assembly: A / RES / 61/271: International Day of Non-Violence . Issued June 27, 2007. Retrieved October 2, 2012.
  2. a b UN declares October 2nd, Gandhi's birthday, as International Day of Non-Violence . UN press release. June 15, 2007. Retrieved October 2, 2012.