International Institute for Vocational Education

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IFB Häusser 204.jpg

The International Institute for Vocational Training at the Neuer Messplatz in Mannheim was planned by the architects Carlfried Mutschler and partners Joachim Langner , Christine Mäurer and Ludwig Schwöbel and completed in 1984. The client was the non-profit housing and settlement construction GmbH, Karlsruhe

It was used to train car mechanics from the 3rd world . The classrooms and administration rooms were housed in a three-storey school building. The four two-storey workshop pavilions took up the pyramid roof motif from the immediately adjacent Wilhelm Busch School planned by the same architects. A glass-covered walkway connected the pavilions and the training building.

The two-storey workshops were made possible by a half-storey offset from the street. It gave the ensemble an extraordinary airiness.

When the state parliament did not continue to finance the training facility, there was no suitable subsequent use. Therefore the property was sold. Since the building was not yet a listed building, the new owner was allowed to demolish it in 2017, although there was no prospect of reuse for the property.


  • 1985 Prize of the German Plumbing Trade
  • 1987 Award for good buildings by the BDA BAWÜ
  • 1988 Hugo Häring Prize of the BDA BAWÜ

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Joachim Langner: Carlfreid Mutschler and Partner: Buildings and Drafts . Ed .: Carlfried Mutschler. tape 2 . Karl Krämer Verlag, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-7828-1610-2 .
  2. ^ Andreas Schenk: Schools . In: Stadtarchiv Mannheim and Mannheimer Architektur und Baurchiv (ed.): Mannheim and its buildings 1907–2007 . tape 3 . Edition Quadrat, Mannheim 2002, ISBN 3-923003-85-4 , p. 45 .
  3. ^ Andreas Schenk: Architectural Guide Mannheim . In: City of Mannheim (Hrsg.): Architekturführer . Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin 1999, ISBN 3-496-01201-3 , p. 110 .
  4. Mannheimer Morgen (Ed.): No future for advanced training in Mannheim . Mannheim December 19, 2012.
  5. a b Christa Otto: Architecture in Baden-Württemberg since 1980. BDA Awards, Good Buildings Award and Hugo Härin Award 1987/1988 . Ed .: BDA Association of German Architects. Krämer, Stuttgart 1991, DNB  961221372 .